85 | Secret Place

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GAVRIIL, WHO WAS WEARING a simple dark grey suit that has silver chains that connected the buttons of his vest to his coat, looked sharp yet elegant with his long hair neatly waxed back.

    Max was surprised to see him standing there, but Gavriil was a lot more shocked since he wasn't expecting Max to come to the party at all despite knowing that the Sinclaire's were invited, and the venue is, in fact, their hotel.

     "W-Why are you here?" Gavriil asks as Max slowly approaches him.

     "I should be asking you the same thing," Max answers, standing in front of Gavriil. He then reaches out his hand and suddenly fixes his necktie for him. "You look good," he then adds. And before Gavriil could even react, Max gently pats Gavriil's chest and walks away from him without saying a single word.

     Gavriil looks at his necktie and sees that it was now perfectly centered. 

     "Wait!" He calls out, immediately turning around to grab hold of Max's wrist so he can stop him from leaving.

     "Where are you going? Why are you leaving so soon?" Gavriil asks him, holding onto his wrist tightly, almost like he didn't want to let him go.

     Max surprisingly doesn't push him away. He looks back at him, and both of them stare at each other while the music from inside the hall could be heard on the other side of the door. And as Gavriil's chest starts beating fast, Max gives him a smile before asking, "Shall we run away?"


"Will it be alright that you didn't even show yourself at that party?" Max asks as he walks beside Gavriil at the parking lot.

     "It's fine," Gavriil answers with an unsure tone, his hands hidden inside the pockets of his pants as if hiding the fact that he was really contemplating on whether or not he should just leave like this. "No one really knows me that much, and my parents only forced me to go since they're not in the country."

     "So you were supposed to be their proxy?" Max sarcastically asks, and Gavriil chuckles and nods his head.

     "But aren't you rank three in Crème de la crème? It's hard to believe that people wouldn't know about you," Max continues to ask, finding it strange as to why the Alexeev family was invited, but people wouldn't even know who he is.

     "You didn't know about me either until we became classmates at J.S High, so I doubt the others who are lower in standing would know me too," Gavriil then tells him, making Max laugh.


     The two then reach Gavriil's car, which was a black Rolls Royce Phantom IX. Gavriil opens the door for Max like a gentleman, and Max didn't even hesitate as he takes the passenger seat. Gavriil then closes the door for him and heads inside as well.

     Gavriil heads inside next and closes his door. He then looks at Max who's silently waiting for him to start the car. Without saying anything, he sighs and suddenly leans close to Max, surprising him. Max didn't know what the vice president was doing, but then Gavriil takes the seatbelt and locks it for him.

     "It's important to wear your seatbelt," Gavriil says while wearing his seatbelt next.

     Max unconsciously touches his chest and looks away from the vice president. "I don't usually sit in the passenger's seat," he defends even though it wasn't necessary.

     As soon as Gavriil heard of that, a sad expression immediately appears on his face, but he brushes the thought away and clears his throat as he asks instead, "Anyway, where do you want to go?"

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