61 | Father & Son

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"MAX," MARCUS CALLS OUT, but Max doesn't respond to it.

     The room was completely silent after Denzel's sudden announcement, yet Max felt like he could hear loud noises in his ear that were almost impossible to bear. His body couldn't move, yet his hands trembled. He was speechless, yet a thousand words were itching their way out of his mouth.

     "Max..." his uncle Janus calls out this time.

    Janus was as surprised as everyone else by the announcement, but the first thing that he thought of was Max because he knew that this will affect him more than anyone else in this room.

     "What the hell were you thinking Denzel?" Janus mumbles to himself before finally standing from his seat to head to where Max is. He grabs Max's arm, and Max flinches before looking at him, his face almost blank and lifeless.

     "This...this can't be happening. This can't be happening uncle," Max suddenly says, grabbing both of Janus's arms with his trembling hands.

     Janus looks around and sees everyone staring at Max with pity, while some looked like they were moments away from laughing at him. But when Janus looked back at Max, he saw the tears that were already forming in Max's eyes, and Janus couldn't help but grab and hug his nephew tightly.

     As he hugs him, he looks at Denzel and angrily asks, "Have you no shame? To announce such a thing without even telling your children first...without telling Max about this first...do you not know what that woman did to his mother?!"

     Janus's voice was so loud that the people who were near him even flinched. Janus was always seen as this carefree man that ignoring him at reunions and parties wouldn't be a big deal. But this moment made them realize that Janus was also a powerful Sinclaire.

     "Brother, you might not have loved Luna, but at least show an ounce of respect to her son," Janus says.

     Denzel gets ready to explain his side, but Max suddenly pushes Janus off of him and runs away.

     "Max!" Marcus shouts. He was about to follow his little brother, but Denzel lets go of Edith's hand and follows him instead.

     Denzel walks out of the dining room and heads to the hallway where he spots Étienne guarding a room. He walks towards him and stands in front of him. He was expecting Étienne to move for him, but Étienne doesn't budge. So Denzel takes a deep breath and looks straight at Étienne's eyes and says, "I would like to speak to my son."

     "Master Leigh would like to be alone," Étienne quickly answers with no hint of hesitation.

     Denzel continues to stare at him with irritation. He knew that nothing he'd say will make Étienne move except for one thing. "I demand you to move out of the way or this will be the last time you'll ever have the chance to guard your master again," Denzel threatens this time.

    Étienne stares at Denzel straight in the eyes. He wasn't afraid of him; he never was, but the one thing that he's afraid of is Denzel taking Max away from him. So Étienne takes a deep breath and moves away from the door so Denzel could enter the room.

     Denzel doesn't say anything and grabs the doorknob. But before he could open the door, Étienne tells him, "I respect your personal affairs and try not to stick my nose into them, but I hope you know that I am only a mere butler, and Leigh is your son who has every right to be included in such important decisions."

     The atmosphere becomes tense between them, but Denzel doesn't say a word and enters the room instead. Inside was an empty space that was filled with paintings and blank canvases. It was an old painting room, which is why the smell of paint instantly welcomed Denzel when he entered.

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