V1 Chapter 8.6

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The one in front of my eyes was none other than Sena-san, and the fluffiness was from Sena-san’s hand.

I unconsciously brushed my cheek against it!


“I-I am sorry! To think that you had transformed…:”

Since he came with his half-beast form, I wonder when he had transformed.

“Nothing for you to worry about. And since there was no visitors who came, I was playing around with the Rotos in my beast form.”

Sena-san stood up and stretched his body, and his fluffy-looking tail stretched straight out as well. The three Rotos clinging onto it looked very happy.

Fufu, so cute.

It seems Sena-san was by my side the whole time while I was asleep.

“… Feeling… any better?”

“Ah, yes. Thanks for your concern.”

Thanks to the Rotos and Sena-san who took care of me, I felt refreshed. I then showed a grateful smile to the Rotos on top of the bed as well.

Sena-san patted the Rotos’ head with his tail. The huge fluffy tail made the Rotos blush in happiness… How envy-inducing…

“What kind of dream did you have?” Sena-san stared down at me.

Dream? Speaking of, I felt like I had a long dream. But I forgot the contents.

“I have forgotten… Did I perhaps… said something in my sleep?” As I asked in a panic, where Sena-san laughed it off.

Sena-san placed his fluffy hand onto my cheek to check, ‘Your fever seems gone’, he said, and lightly patted me…. Mofumofu…

“You should be hungry right? Since it’s way past afternoon.”

“It’s past that time already…? Then, I will make something quick.”

“What’re you talking about. You just got better, are you trying to make it worse?”

“I am quite alright, I have fully recovered.”

“Definitely a no to that. There’s soup among the get-well gifts, I’ll heat it up and bring it over. You’re not to go down to the first floor. Rotos, keep watch on her.”

Although I’m quite fine now, Sena-san did not allow me to do anything. The Rotos who were tasked to watch over me made a salutation, ‘Aye!’ and clung onto me.

“Truly, thank you Sena-san.”

“No worries.”

Having to rely on Sena-san for everything made me feel bad.

After stretching, I took a deep breath. My body stopped feeling heavy, and it felt very refreshing. Truthfully, I would like to move around a bit, but I decided to stay obediently for now.

Moving into the bed, I laid down.

The Rotos followed by Sena-san’s words and watched over me. Their small figures climbing up to my body, and lay down sprawled while supporting their heads up with their hands. Kicking their small legs up and down, it seems they are relaxing around.

Looked upon by those round eyes, I unconsciously smiled.

I would need to give my thanks to Sena-san, the Rotos, as well as the spirits in the forest. Learning that I got a cold, they helped gathered the materials needed for the medicine.

After enjoyed the soup together with Sena-san, we spent the time at leisure. I also gave marshmallows to Sena-san and the Rotos for snack time. It seems they have taken a liking to it. Since I was able to read even while in bed, time went by at a peaceful pace.

The next morning, I was awakened by the sunlight shining through the window. Feeling refreshed, I got up and started preparing for the morning.

After finishing the preparations to open the shop, Café Mattari is back for business.

The regular customers were very worried about me. Laughing about how I’m fine now, I then apologized for suddenly had to close the shop for the day.

“How happy I am to see Tenchou-san back to health and be able to have these delicious cakes!” said the regular customer with the green-yellowish hair color who always dresses up fancily with a smile. Recently, I was able to ask for her name, and she’s called Sellina-san.

“Ah, but I heard one the members of the DemiMercSquad came in here. Were you all right? asked Sellina-san worriedly.

One of a member of three women seated at the counter, Sarina-san, joined the conversation at that point.

“Did you get nursed by the cool white-haired one?”

“Oh no, the green haired Sena-san was the one taking care of me.”

“My my, Tenchou, that’s careless of you! Letting a man into the house while you were not in your best condition, what if you get attacked?” I could only make a bitter smile to Katie-san’s retort.

“He is a very kind person, like a brother.”

And it looks like Sena-san was accustomed to nursing and taking care of others.

“Eeh, but if I was a man, I would definitely kiss Tenchou if she were sleeping in front of me like that!”

“Wouldn’t you want to do something to a defenseless beauty, now wouldn’t you?”

“And it looks like Demis would act faster than humans, doesn’t it?”

The three were as boisterous as usual, which could make me stop smiling any time.

Saying how he really did kindly take care of me, I then finished the conversation.

Gradually after some time, the group of three female customers left, and so the flow of customers stopped coming in.

It will be afternoon soon, so I thought of settling my lunch and sat on the counter. Clearing up the plate after finishing my sandwiches, the doorbell rang. *cling clang*

Looks like the DemiMercSquad has arrived. Moving my gaze to the door, surprisingly there was nobody there. I wonder if they are still outside?

Or are they thinking of wanting to frolic around a little before coming in? I rushed towards the door, and opened it.

‘Sorry to have troubled you, thanks to you I have fully recovered,’ or so I had wanted to welcome them with a smile on my face… but…

A gun was pointed at me.

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