The next day after Shize carried Rhonya to the Demi's housing, the townspeople of Domshkasa started taking about rumors of Café Mattari while keeping their distance from it."Did anyone see Rhonya-chan coming back home?"
"Nope, I did not see her come home."
"After getting hurt back when the demon seduced the café owner of the neighboring town and thinking she's fine now... But to be kidnapped by the leader of the DemiMercSquad... what a disaster to befall that kind girl."
"Oooh, so scary... But I can't help in any way either..."
"Even if I wanted to lend a hand, none of us could rival them.... How about asking the fief lord about this?"
"That would be best. Tell him that the dearest girl in the town, Rhonya, got kidnapped!"
A man who heard such a conversation stopped his steps which was heading towards the café.
"What you were talking about.... Why don't you fill me in the details?"
3 The house of the DemiMercSquad
The light and fluffy feeling is pleasant. As if I was embraced by a cloud. It felt like I had a bad dream, but the fluffiness made me feel peaceful.
Slowly opening up my eyes, all I could see were pure black. I wonder what this pure jet black and fluffy thing is. Still wondering about it, I buried my face into this pleasantly fluffy thing. My face was filled with this softness and warmth. Mofumofu.
Suddenly, I could feel a breath blowing out from around my nape. Moving away to take a better look, I understood that it was a pure jet black lion which was embracing me. It was Shize-san who was purring and having a pleasant-looking sleep.
What, it was just me sleeping beside Shize-san then.
As I convince myself of this, I once again hugged him, buried my face onto his fluffy fur with my eyes closed. To be able to finally touch Shize-san's mane which I dreamt of, and use it as a pillow is too wonderful for a dream. Fuwauwa~ Mofumofu~
But the breath which once again passes through my nape made me think otherwise. This sensation of warmth made me clearly wake up.
Hmm...? This is not a dream?
As I slowly get up, I was sleeping on top of a big fluffy cushion. A pure black fluffy cushion, which was extremely pleasant to sleep in.
As I look around, it was a very wide room which feels like a part of a larger mansion. Various furnitures are lined up by the wall, and an old looking black colored curtain was blocking off the sunlight. This is probably, Shize-san's house.
The dress that I'm currently wearing is the same as what I wore yesterday. I remembered spending the day with Shize-san in this exact dress. After indulging in some sandwiches, some cakes and we danced together as well....
And brother found me... He found out about my whereabouts.
I did not want to remember any more than this, and started cowering while covering my face with both my hands. Simultaneously, I was attacked by a surge of drowsiness and tried my best to calm down.
The reason why the portion of memories pertaining to meeting my brother turned this blurry is due to the effects of the recovery magic Greytia-sama casted on me. A safety measure to stop my negative emotions from swelling up in me.
But I remember being disparaged without being given any time to refute, and it was scary. To continue blaming me without letting me say a single word, it made me felt as if everything I did was wrong. During these times, the first one to come and comfort was always Schneider, but he's not with me anymore now. And the current me now can stand back up on my own. For I have people now who properly accept my efforts.
Once again, I stared towards Shize-san who had laid down on his side, and gradually I could see a pair of amber eyes opening. Shize-san's hand stretched out and he started patting my head. That big and warm hand, with the plumpy pawpad and puffy fur, felt like a reward to me. I could feel my cheek burning up to the sensation of the touch.
"Boss! Sena's going to go around for morning patrol he sai...d...."
The door was suddenly opened, which made me flinch and stood up. The person who came in was none other than Ryuse-san, the cheetah who was for some reason naked on top.
How should I explain this situation...
Ryuse-san's tail which stood straight stiff suddenly slumped down.
"Uhm, there is a reason for this..."
Although I did not know why, I'm sure there's a reason for being brought here.
"Wha-what the heck are you doing!! Shize!!"
Ryuse-san started shouting out while approaching me, and suddenly hugged me up and away from Shize-san.
Shize-san who looked like he was still sleepy looked towards Ryuse-san in an irritated gaze.
"Did you get a taste of Ojou!? Don't mess around, Shize!!" Ryuse-san started shouting in anger while holding me, and my ears reverberated from his voice. A pillow then flew and hit Ryuse-san's face.
"Shut it... Rhonya's brother came to the shop, and she fell unconscious so I brought her back, that's all. She started clinging onto me after that and won't let go, so I left her as it was and went to sleep." And so Shize-san answered while making a big yawn. His splendid canines were in full view.
"So that's it... I see. Ojou, welcome to our humble house."
Ryuse-san, who had calmed down, made a welcoming smile while still hugging onto me.
I heard that the lodging of the DemiMercSquad is located on the suburbs of the town. Which means Shize-san had deliberately carried me all the way here. He could have just asked Laclain for help without doing it on his own...
"About my brother... Did you tell Laclain and the others?"
"I see. Then please continue keeping this incident from their knowledge. I beg of you."
It would be best if Laclain doesn't know about this. By any chance he knows about this, I highly doubt he won't try to attack Robert-oniisama.
"Thank you very much, Shize-san. But, why did you bring me all the way here?"
I plainly asked the question I was curious about. Although I did ask about it as well yesterday, I wonder what made him want to guard me too.
"You don't know?" Shize-san answered, surprised to my question.
"....Yes, I do not"
"....Stay in this house until you understand."
"Ryuse, I'll get some more sleep. Give her a simple tour around" Shize-san spurted with a slightly angry voice, and lied back down on his side.
"Kaaay" Ryuse-san answered while making a long response, and dragged me out of Shize-san's room.
Just as we exited the room, we bumped into Sena-san in his human form just outside the door. Looking at Ryuse who held one of my hand while naked to the waist, he then looked towards Shize-san's room.
"...I won't ask for details, but go get married."
"Eh... Uhh, this is not what you are thinking!"
I don't know what Sena-san is thinking about, but he suddenly changed the topic to getting married. This is definitely a misunderstanding, so please listen to my explanation.
"Huhhhh-!!" A high pitched tone voice can be heard.
"Rhonya-tenchou, why are you here!? Gosh, did Boss get you as a takeout!?"**"
Someone was rushing over from the corridor, and it was Selinna-san who is a regular in my shop.
"Selinna-san, why are you here...?"
**here お持ち帰り (omochikaeri) is used, it means takeout/takeaway. but when used with to describe bringing a person home, it usually means to eat them.

令嬢はまったりをご所望 (HIATUS)
RandomReijou wa Mattari wo Goshomou Associated Names Milady Just Wants to Relax 令嬢はまったりをご所望 This Story Is not mine!! For Offline Reading Purpose Only. Language Japanese Author(s) Mitsuki Beni (BENI) 三月べに Artist(s) RAHWIA Year 2015 Status in COO 77 WN Ch...