Just then, the Rotos came back. For unknown reasons, the Roto in front is carrying a caterpillar. The Roto who was looking around in search of Oprhias-sama where I slowly conveyed to them.
"Orphias-sama had returned back" After which, 'is that so' as they responded and then proudfully held out the caterpillar towards me. It was a green colored caterpillar larger than my index finger. Probably a larva of a butterfly.
"Oh. You are trying to tell me that this caterpillar looks like the thousand-year-old caterpillar"
After understanding the reason behind the Roto bringing the caterpillar, I started laughing out. The Rotos were grinning happily.
In Orphedot's forest, there exists the thousand-year-old caterpillar, which is a extremely large caterpillar. Its size is larger than a carriage with a brown body with patches of mosses. It looks like a normal wooden log when immobile. It is said that after living through a thousand year, the caterpillar will then metamorphose into a butterfly, and its existence can only be seen in the Orphedot forest. Friends with the very gently and fluffy Phii spirits, it occasionally goes on a walk while the Phiis ride on it.
The thousand-year-old caterpillar and this caterpillar has similar round eyes and mouth.
Looking at the caterpillar on my palm, I then said "This one will gradually turn into a very beautiful butterfly and roam around here, I'm sure", where the Roto then hugged it back.
"Well then, let's start"
The purpose for coming to this cliff is to care for the lotus flower garden. I took the ribbon and tied my hair before proceeding to start.
Taking each flower one by one, I gently handle them to ensure they don't get hurt. If any were hurt, I would heal them with magic, and if the soil is barren I provide water. Although there were an immense number of flwoers, it did not take much time since there were plenty of Rotos as well.
Some time after starting the maintenance, one of the Rotos took ahold of my hand which was holding onto a lotus leaf. It seems it held my hand wrongly when it was trying to hold theleaf. The Roto went dumbfounded and continued staring at me.
"Then let's look at it together" as I made a smile. The Roto's face bloomed in hapiness and it nodded.
Lotus flower looks like the shape of butterflies making a circle,with petals of red and purple colors which when lightly chewed on has a refreshing watery taste. Whilst checking the lotuses' leaves and bud with my finger, I also make sure it's well planted into the soil. There's no problem here.
While grinning back to each other with the Roto, I continue to the next patches of lotus. My eyes somehow chase after the direction where Orphias-sama left, but he was long gone.
Thinking back, it was the first time someone had confessed their feelings for me. Realizing that I had forgotten to give my gratitude due to the shock, I could only make a sigh.
To change the mood, I took a deep breath. And another deep breath, before touching the next lotus flower. That instant, the face of Orphias-sama's sister, Lunatiora-sama, came to my mind.
Back when I was still of noble status, Lunatiora-sama would frequently invite me to tea parties. And speaking of her, she would put a flower in a cup of her favorite tea. The flower from the kingdom of Galatia, Pius, is a small sized white glower. Its lovely five petals look like the starts in the sky, and has a scent like bergamot (citrus fruit), and its nectar is sweet as honey hence it adds in sweetness into the tea.
The small flower which floats atop the tea-
A good idea welled up which made me snickered. As soon as I finish with the maintenance of the lotus flower, let's get to experimenting at the shop. Resolving so, I continued on caring for the lotuses.
After returning back to the shop, I asked a favor from the spirits in the Orphedot forest to pluck out some small sized flowers. Like what Lunatiora-sama did, seeing a cup of tea with a small flower blooming in it would be wonderful, or so I thought, hence I immediately started trying it.
While waiting for the flowers to arrive, I asked for help from the Rotos to bake some cookies, and continued preparing the ingredients needed for the takeout tea.
Soon after, a magic circle appeared and the spirits who brought the flowers came out of it.
"Nyannya~!" (omg so cute)
The small butterfly spirits, the picolo, flew towards my face.
Since they are unable to properly pronounce human's words, they call me "Nyannya"
Their bodies which feels moist to the touch is only 5cm tall. They have features of small children, with small butterfly wings of pastel color on their back. The picolos give off a smell like macaroons, but they smell like flowers today. The smell of the flowers they plucked for me.
The flowers they plucked are very small in size, ones with nectar flowing out. Hence they will not disrupt the flavor of the tea, and provide ample of sweetness. And of course, they are used for garnish.
"Thank you for the flower. As thanks, I have baked some cinnamon cookies so please have some when they're done baking." As I conveyed to the picolos who were playfully decorating my hair with flowers, which then the picolos reacted in delight while flapping around their hands and feet.
Well then, let's get onto the preparations for the tea.
The tea I serve in the shop includes Rose tea, Lavender tea and Milk tea. As well as some fruit tea which I serve along cookies.
I first start with the Rose tea. Here, I use the bud of roses obtained from the Orphedot forest which I asked the spirits for. Grabbing the jar which was casted with my preservation magic, I take out the rose bud. Then place one of it on top of a pre-prepared sheet.
"The first step would be preservation magic" as I explained to the picolos who were looking brimming with curiosity.
This sheet which is made from plant material has a magic casted on it to stop time of anything wrapped within it, and easily melts when added in hot water.
Placing a small white flower by the side of the rose bud, I wrap it within the sheet, and squeeze it by using magic. It will then turn into a capsule state and change shape into a marble with a flower within it.
I place it within a cup and pour in some hot water. Then, the capsule dissolves and the water dyes into a red color, with a white flower floating up.
"Hmm... I wonder if red flowers would suit the Rose tea better."
As I try to choose another type of flower, the picolos recommended a red flower which would suit the tea.
Taking ahold of the said flower, I once again wrap it within the sheet and poured in some hot water. I also tried various types while thinking of the Lunatiora-sama's red tea.
As time passes, the cookies have finished baking, so I had the Rotos and picolos indulge in them. While confirming the tea's flavor and scent once again, I brought a cookie into my mouth.
Soon after, the flower for each kind of tea is decided.
For the red Rose tea, a proudly blooming small red flower which look like roses on the bottom of the cup. For the calming purple Lavender tea, three florets of a star shaped blue flower. For the cream colored Milk tea, a small flower which looks like a dandelion.
To ensure the flower petals does not disrupt the Lavender tea and Milk tea, the flower is covered in a non-woven cloth before placing it into a sheet. Or so to speak, like a tea bag.
Satisfied with the results, a smile was on my face. The Rotos who helped out clapped their hands while in the stead of saying congratulations, while the picolos were sleeping on top of the emptied cookie plate. They were having an afternoon nap like how playful children do when they burn out from playing.
What should I do, it would be a pity to wake them up.
While lost in thought, the Rotos placed a hand on their chest, 'Leave it to us', and everyone helped carry the plate with picolos and returned to the Orphedot forest.

令嬢はまったりをご所望 (HIATUS)
RandomReijou wa Mattari wo Goshomou Associated Names Milady Just Wants to Relax 令嬢はまったりをご所望 This Story Is not mine!! For Offline Reading Purpose Only. Language Japanese Author(s) Mitsuki Beni (BENI) 三月べに Artist(s) RAHWIA Year 2015 Status in COO 77 WN Ch...