𝟎𝟓- 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

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– 𝐼𝑔𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 –

One month later...

“I've assigned you to join with another shamans for this case. Looks like this case is quite different from anything we've seen before. Your task is to search for the cause of this human-curse incident. I'll send you the report soon.”- Yaga Masamichi.

[Name] just back from her training while she found a note from the principal. Irked mark began to appear on her forehead after she read it. "Seriously? Now? I really can't refuse it, can I?" she thought. Placing it back, she began changing her training suit into her usual uniform. She packed her twin-knives, a katana, and the file Principal Yaga gave her then locked and left her room.

[Name] opened the file while walking towards her meeting place. "Let's see... The audience at the movie theater died in a strange deaths. The audience is three high-school students at Satozakura High School. There's a boy that is also there when that happens. His name is Yoshino Junpei. He's also a student at the same place, in fact, he's a victim's classmate". "Such a little information" she placed it back inside her backpack. "Well, that's enough though. Nanami-san asked to meet on the subway". She speeding her steps, "Better not be late".


In the subway, Nanami Kento, a twenty seven y.o man with light-brown hair styled with a neat part stand near an abandoned subway. He checked his hand watch repeatedly, it seemed like he was waiting for someone. Until someone's voice catches his attention. "Hello Nanami-san. I'm [Last Name] [Name], your partner for this case". Nanami turned his head towards [Name].

She wears her usual black button down shirt, black shorts, black knee-length socks, and [Fav. Color] shoes. [Name] smiled slightly, "Should we start investigating it?". Nanami turns back and starts walking. "Yes. Follow me". She started walking and followed him "What about Yoshino Junpei? Have you been investigating him?" She asked. "I've been asking someone about that matter. Our job is to search for the culprit" he replied without turning his head. "Understood".


[Name] and Nanami separated after fighting some curses. She said she wanted to investigate something before. "Nanami-san" she called. He turned his head, facing her back. She didn't even look at him when she called. Something caught her attention while she was fighting curses. She turned her head. "There's something I want to check. Please continue, I'll go to your place after I find it" she said.

Nanami thought for a moment, then nodded his head. "Okay, go on" she smiled and thanked him, then started running in the opposite direction. She looked for something small that was thrown up after she fought those curses. Those things have a strange aura, both human's and curse's aura. She has a suspicion that, the culprit must be the one that made those things.

She found that thing floating in the water. Immediately, she snatch it before it disappears from her sight. She examined it carefully. "So it's true. Both aura mixed together in it" she thought. Before she placed it inside her pocket, she realized something strange in it. "Wait, there must be something if my suspicion's correct". She gives it a bit of her magical power in it. The foreign aura began to create thin strings leading to its owner.

Her gaze follows where it leads. "Wait. This is... It leads to Nanami-san's direction". Standing up, she put it inside her pocket then ran towards them. "I hope it isn't too late"


Somewhere in the subway...

"So this is how it is". A human-looking Cursed Spirit with a patchwork face and heterochromia–his left eye is dark blue and his right eye is gray–said. He has long grayish-blue hair that reaches past his neck and sectioned off into three large strands with ties at the ends. He wears a black shawl that is separated into three pieces on the left sleeve. He also wears matching pants and has deer legs on his supposedly-legs. He sat on a banister with both of his hands hanging on it.

Meanwhile, Nanami still stands with his right side injured. "Phew. It's unfortunate but," he mumbled. The Cursed Spirit looks surprised. "What's this...? His magical power is.. increasing!". Nanami loosened his tie and tied it on his palm. "From here on out... It's overtime" he said.

"Overtime..? A 'contract' based on time! Until now there was a cap on his magical power". Mahito(a human-looking curse) jumping down a banister while having a grin on his face. His deer legs already turned back into their original form "Interesting!". "When my technique forms a line segment out of the target, it forces a weak point to form where the line splits in a 7:3 ratio" Nanami leaning forward, his magical power blazing from his body.

"The line segment doesn't just cover the target's overall length and wingspan. It can also designate parts like the head torso, upper arm and forearm as targets" He kept explaining to him about his technique. Mahito licked his thumb, amused expression on his face "You're getting serious, huh". "Moreover this technique.. is also effective on non-blocking beings" Nanami sprinting forward. "Right now, i can think of a few ways to exorcise this cursed spirit. First, i could continue to inflict damage on the cursed spirit until it runs out of magical power. This isn't very realistic. Or I can wait for [Last Name] to arrive, but there's no guarantee she'll come here right away".

Mahito started running. His amused expression still on his face "Another game of tag?". Nanami jumped while his left side is facing a wall beside him. Pulling his right fist, he prepared to strike the walls beside him. "Second.. i could break his body into very small pieces, with just one blow". "Ten stroke cursed ritual: 'Rattle' ". The walls cracking because of the impact Nanami gave.

The walls starting rumbling and collapse on them. Mahito look up in awe "An attack. So wide it strikes the both of us as expected". "It would be best to avoid it, huh.". Before he can move to avoid it Nanami strike his right leg, make him fall down. Nanami walking passed him, ignoring his dumfounded expression. If [Name] was here, and not in this situation, she'll laughing at this scene without doubt.

"I'll be retreating at once. It would be best to heal your legs quickly" he said. He glanced at Mahito then say "If we both end up alive... I hope we meet again". A piece of rubble fall on him. Before he blacked out, he can see a blur of someone pull Nanami aside. Although his sight became hazy, he catch a sight of black clothes and a katana. Then he blacked out.



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