𝟏𝟏- 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞

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– 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑡 –

"Say it again?" She asked, dumfounded. "My type of girl? Why would you ask that now?" He asked. Imagine it, someone you just met asked you that kind of question. I'll be suspicious, of course. "Don't worry, I'm just measuring you" he assured. Still, she isn't assured at all. Instead, she looked at him with a blank face.

"I don't really get it, but if I say.." Itadori lifted his hand. Both Toudou and [Name] were waiting for his response. "A tall girl with a big butt I guess... Like Jennifer Lopez". Toudou looked so surprised while [Name] had the exact expression as Kugisaki's when she found out Itadori was alive. At that moment, they overflowed within Toudou... Memories that don't exist. Itadori realized something and turned his head. He looked at [Name]'s expression and had a blank face. "Uh-oh I'm so dead".

Meanwhile inside her head, she has a one-sided conversation with herself. "I know I shouldn't judge him. I mean, he is a teenager after all. I can't help it". "I never thought your taste is like that, Yuuji" she blurted out with a deadpanned face. The latter shook his head frantically and laughed nervously.

" 'Invincible in your own turf...' huh" they averted back their attention towards the third-year student that was oddly quiet. He tilted his head upwards. "It seems we both are 'Best Friends' " he said with tears rolled down his face. "Even though you just learned my name?!". He averted his attention towards the only female there. "And you? What's your type?" He asked. She became quiet all of a sudden before looking at him. Toudou and Itadori anticipated her answer. She didn't exactly answer him, she just winked at him instead.

Itadori had his jaw dropped at the [brunette, blonde, etc.]'s statement(gesture) while Toudou widened his eyes with a light blush on his cheeks. Never in his life did someone wink at him. It truly surprised him. Meanwhile, the culprit just had a blank face after giving him her wink. She just wanted to give him a vague answer. No way she'll tell him her type. Gojo will cry to death if he knows that she–the normally stoic one–winked at someone. Wait, she'll definitely tell him later.

Their attention snapped when more people came near by. [Name] lowered her gaze, she had known this would happen to him. That's what made her choose to stay with him. Kamo and Mechamaru standing on the tree's branch, and Miwa appearing behind a tree. Mai shot 3 bullets at Itadori that made him move right into Miwa's territory. She widened her legs and bent down while she reached for her katana on her hips. "SHIN KAGE STYLE: QUASI TERRITORY"

Itadori noticed a danger in her territory. He's about to step on her territory. Miwa sheathed out her katana and struck 'Draw Sword!'. Itadori quickly jumped to avoid it. Miwa glanced back at him "What reflexes! I may have hesitated, but to think my 'Counter' didn't even scratch him!". Mechamaru jumped down and extended his left arm, letting out a beam from its palm.

Itadori finally realized something. "Huh? Could it be that these guys... Are trying to kill me?" He thought. A clap can be heard, then Itadori's and Kamo's position switched. Itadori on the branch while Kamo on his previous position. All of them were shocked. Kamo averted his gaze towards the branch and saw Itadori instead "This is..! Have I and Itadori changed places?"

[Name] made her way towards Kamo and pointed her dull-side katana on his neck. She whispered something that made him shiver. "Don't move. Even with my dull side, it's not impossible for me to immobilize or kill you". Meanwhile, Toudou stands right behind them. "Hey" she lowered her blade and faced Toudou, interested in what they were about to do.

Out of the blue, he punched the place Kamo stands, making him jump aside. His attack was just a warning to him. "I told you right. That I'd kill if you got in my way". "Wrong. You say you'd kill us if I ordered you around". "Just now was Itadori's... No, Toudou's technique, huh" he thought. "Same difference. Piss off." Toudou looks pissed with his response.

"Seems we're retreating" "So lame" "I'm so glad" the other three responded. "Do kill him though" Kamo said. Toudou smirked "That will depend on him". Itadori jumped down a branch "What's with these guys, trying to kill me and fighting among each other". "After all, I'm not the kind of boorish man who would hold back against his best friend" he takes a stance to attack him.

[Name] knew, she isn't needed right now. She doesn't sense any harm from Toudou's aura, so she is planning to take a nap under a tree. "This event really drains my brain. I'm so done with all of this" she lay down and placed both of her hands behind her head. She closed her eyes, unaware of the danger that was coming closer.

Inside the supervisor's room...

All people inside a supervisor's room can see [Name]'s sleeping figure. Each of them has a different reaction. Gojo with mouth widen agape, Iori and Mei Mei with amused expression, and two principals shake their heads, unsurprised with the girl's behavior.

――― ― ――¤※¤―― ― ―――

"_______, ". I opened my eyes to see someone staring down at me. Slowly, I sat down with both of my hand as support. She smiled with the reaction she gets. She standing up and and looked towards the scene before us. A soft wind blow her long black hair, make it more elegant than it already were. Her black-turquoise dress really compliment her features.

She turn her back and facing me. Now that I take a good look at her face, she really has a gorgeous ruby eyes. If I didn't know any better, I'll think that she's some sort of model, that's it. "Don't staring at me, _______-chan. It's embarassing" she scratch her nape and smiling shyly. "I—"

――― ― ――¤※¤―― ― ―――

[Name] immediately opened her eyes after all her senses screaming at her to wake up. She release her aura and checking if something's happened there. "Please don't.. Please don't. Please–" her thoughts interrupted with a familiar presence in their area. She froze in her place, her mind racing than it already is.

Instinctively, she get up and look for someone–Itadori. She finds him with Toudou looked at the sky. She looked up to see a sight of the worst scenario she can think of. "A 'Screen' just..!" She quickly rushed to his side and gripped her katana. She tapped their shoulders to alert them on her presence. Her minds racing with other worst scenario–making plan 'If' her efforts come to nothing.

She concentrate on her surrounding and flowing her magical power into every direction within her range. She catch some of Tokyo and Kyoto students in different direction. But, she focused on one place, Fushiguro's and Maki's. The earth curse were there, along with Inumaki and Kamo. Their flare wavered each second passed. They're the one that needs a back up. Moreover, that curse was also there.

"Toudou-kun, Yuuji" both males avert their attention. "We know what to do. I'll show you the way" she turn back almost stepped forward. "Wait—". "Are you doubting myself or my ability? Our teammates is in danger there. Kyoto's students is also there you know? I suggest to head there before its too late". "...Lead the way"

――― ― ――¤※¤―― ― ―――


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