𝟏𝟓- 『𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭』

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◣ 𝕀❜𝕞 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 ◥

There's no way fate will let her have a peaceful moment. As soon as Fushiguro fought it, another uninvited guest joined them. They throw a pocket knife in [Name]'s direction as they come. Sensing something moving closer, she quickly tilted back her head, right before the knife planted on her head. She turned her head towards the culprit and immediately frowned.

The uninvited guest came out of the shadows and showed themselves. A figure in a black vest, white shirt and gray shorts make their way towards her. Akane's red eyes glimmering in the dark. She also wears a rectangular thing on her waist and black combat boots. She prepared herself for a moment like this, when she could face her head-to-head without any disturbance.

Fushiguro's territorial expansion broke their staring contest. 'Chimera Shadow Garden' Akane quickly jumped out of the way as it expanded. "Phew, I'll be done for sure if I touch it. Yikes, what a talent" she grinning nervously.

[Name] saw it with her own eyes, how his injured state defeated the curse with his divine dog. Its claw stabbed right through the curse's chest from behind. "Divine dog's claws even hurt it... You were no match" he muttered. The curse slowly died, and he slumped his body in exhaustion. "I'm tired"

Akane showed herself again after his technique inactivated. [Name] rushed to his side and took a defense state. Because of his exhausted state, he barely registered what happened around him. [Name] looked at him and touched his forehead. "Sleep" she whispered. His body went limp with Sukuna's finger on his hand.

Akane chuckled with her action. "What? Afraid he'll see your ugly side, scaredy cat?" She taunted. [Name] averted back her attention and took out her knives. She bent her body a little and set her foot forward. "No, I am afraid he'll see blood pouring from your stomach moron".

She looks pissed and annoyed with her response. "Why don't you respect your sister damn it" she grunted. The rectangular thing glowed dark green for a second before forming a katana on her hands. She takes her stance and strikes forward. "I really am hate you, [Name]" her katana blocked by [Name]'s knives. Their gaze meets for a second. "That's mutual then"

They separated and took a few steps away before rushing forwards again. [Name] flowed her cursed energy into her knives and threw it to her head and chest. 'Clank' Before it touched her, she moved her katana and deflected it. [Name] appeared in front of her and tried to punch her.

Akane changed her katana into a long stick and blocked her hands from touching her. Her strength makes her struggle a bit to hold it any longer. "Do you think I forgot about your technique? You underestimate me" she said. Sweat rolled down her face. "This is bad, I have to back away".

Before she can do it, [Name] throws a punch to her left side, catching her off guard. Instinctively, she blocked it with her forearms. Taking advantage of her shock, [Name] sliding down and twisted her body. She swings her legs, trying to make her balance wavered. Akane quickly extended back her hands and did a backflip right before [Name] could hold her into head-lock positions and make her defeated.

After she regains her balance, she takes a deep breath and rushing forward. [Name] back into her defensive position while keeping flowing out her cursed energy. She took back her knives without her realizing it and slashed her back. "Crap, I missed them" she cursed in her mind. A seconds later, her wounds evaporated a little before they closed back.

Both of them noticed the other two shamans coming closer to their direction. Akane threw her pocket knives towards the unguarded brown-haired female. All of a sudden, her body moved on its own, avoiding the high-speeded knife that was heading there. Itadori stood bewildered with a sudden attack from the previous black haired stranger.

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