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“I'm not a masochist”

“So, why'd you keep waiting for deadline?”

“It's called adrenaline”

“It's called adrenaline”

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"Well, it's nice to see you again, Gojo-san". My eyes narrowed as he 'mispronounced' my name. Out of instinct, I formed a whip in my hand and swung it on his way before he dodged. He landed smoothly on the ground with a soft 'thud' and straightened himself to face me.

My face twisted into disgust as I retorted back. "I've said it before, haven't I? It's [Last Name], not Gojo! You're way too stubborn for my liking" I growled in annoyance when he prepared himself to shoot me before I sense a movement from Megumi.

I moved out of the way just in time when Megumi started to attack him. "Their fight is nothing I should interfere with, but Megumi won't mind any help, will he?". A mischief smirk formed on my face as I leaped forward and called him. "Megumi! Switch!"


A girl in her black attire can be seen laying on a couch with both shoulders and crossed legs leaning on the side of it. A light humming tune can be heard as her fingers tapping against the couch, following the melody.

Her black vest matched perfectly with a dark blue elbow-length shirt underneath, and also a black skirt that reached her upper knees. Although her clothes gave off an emo vibes with the dark color on it, her white leggings and boots looks contrast with the dominant dark color she wears.

Her dark cat-like eyes narrowed ever so slightly with an unknown glint as something seemed to piqued her interest from the hour of boredom. A dim sunlight gleaming through the white curtains from the window, creating an unearthly atmosphere inside the dark room.

The only door suddenly opened with the appearance of two people outside, looking patiently waiting for the black haired girl to give them her attention. She ignored them for a little while, although she knows the grayish-blue haired man's patience won't last long, their existence literally means nothing to her at the moment. Something on her phone screen seems more interesting than the upcoming amusement that is about to happen, although her mind is wandering somewhere else.

The heterochromia-eyed male's foot tapping against the cemented floor impatiently as a pout was visible on his face. His companion didn't say any word to his allie's behavior, that's an ordinary sight between their alliance that they know very well.

The patchwork face's childish attitude with the black haired girl's nonchalance keeps making a little argument between them, although their certain nature mixed well inside them. That's the only thing where you can find their similarities anyway.

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