𝟐𝟑- 『𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞』

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❖· 𝕊𝕠, 𝕨𝕖❜𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤? ·❖

Sorry, won't do any editing

Past.. parents.. friends.. home.. dream.. life.. school.. life. [Name] opened her eyes with an unreadable expression on her face. A few strands of her hair falling into her face. There isn't any sounds from her place. Not even a fighting sounds can be heard. So, there are one conclusion as the quietness lingering around her, and it's her time to moving on.

She stand up from her position and looked at the horizon. The darkness started to consume her, inside and outside. Her hand reached to her chest and grasped the jacket. Along with her memories, all her previous self from the past also haunted inside her. They're a same person after all. She drowned deeper into the her own memories. All the pain, regrets, despair, hope, nearly make her sanity slipped out.

Her heads tilted up. A soft wind breeze on a cold night. And on the same night, a big event will spreading fast on the every direction in earth. She stepped forwards as the shadow that has been lingering around her slowly slipped out. In her mind, she already prepared herself for the worst scenarios. The World of Heian. The Golden Age of Cursed Techniques, once again will started.

"I won't take any sides, nobody will opposed my decision. Only the one that keep their sanity is the winner"

ー ◉ ーー ◉ ー

"Master, where will you go?". An innocent question come out from her mouth. Three weeks has passed since he found her asleep on a forest. And on those three weeks, she still didn't understand what did she have in her that interested him. He glanced down at her as though that's a pretty stupid question he ever heard in his life.

His brows furrowed up and mouth slightly parted. "What did you say? Of course I'll go killing humans. I didn't think you stupid enough to not understand it". She lightly bit her lips. Her doubt started to appear as she keeps quiet. Bracing herself, she letting her thought out of her mouth.

"What's a value to keep me beside you?". Her thoughts swirled up with many possibilities Two-faced Specter might said. If she didn't have a value for him, she might get thrown out. If she can't be useful, there's no meaning in her life. And all her future depends on Sukuna's answer.

"Just come with me". His gruff voice shocked the black-haired girl. Her head tilted up with disbelief as he walked away. "I'll show you what's your life value". Her mind's too clouded with hope that she didn't noticed his sickening smirk.

ー ◉ ー^ー ◉ ー

I sat on a table with a neutral expression as the darkness covered my upper body. I wear a white yukata with a red strips and coral colored scarf. Master brought it for me when he came back last week. He said that my yukata's too plain, so he give it to me. I slightly smiled with my own thought. "Even Uraume-san didn't get this treatment. I should be grateful that master decided to take me that night".

I hummed a certain melody as I waited for my master to pick me up. My legs swings back and forth as my head nodded followed the melody. I lift my hands and rise my scarf up, so that it covered my mouth and nose. The horrible smell of burned corpse started to get me irked. "I shouldn't get him burned up, now the smell isn't as great as a grilled fish. He's a human to begin with".

The door swings open and the moonlight coming inside the house. I looked up to see a man in his 20 standing with a katana on his hips. He looked down and his face turned to something that caught my attention. Disgust, Terror, Disbelief, Despair. I didn't know why but I always liked those expression from my victim. Sadly, master never give me those emotions. He'll scrunched his nose in disgust then avoided me when I asked him. I wonder if someday he'll give me that face... Just imagining it make chills run down my spine.

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