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"When the sky is falling down

   My heart just starts to drown"

   My heart just starts to drown"

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Manga Spoiler!:

So, there's a little bit manga spoiler that you may not notice related to Jujutsu Kaisen's prequel. Well, it's not really a spoiler but more like.. giving a clue. Something like that


I slurped what's left from my soda can and took some popcorn from Yuuji's hand. We had changed the movie multiple times already, and it's the fourth movie we've watched. My eyelids started to get heavier as a light yawn passed my lips. I reached the table and took my phone to look at the time. My eyes widened with the number printed on my lock screen. "Oh dear. It's so late already" I mumbled disappointedly.

I turned my head to look at Yuuji and tapped him. Because he's so focused on concentrating on controlling his cursed energy, he flinched upon my touch. Well, better not disturb him then. "Are you gonna wide awake all night?" I asked.

"I think I'll stay for a few movies until Gojo-sensei comes". He still didn't averted his attention from the bright screen in front of us. I'll go training tomorrow, I guess. Better not annoy Maki any further. The other first years also seem interesting.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. Suddenly, I sense Satoru's presence getting closer to where we are. I looked back to see he put a questioning face at me. I raised my eyebrows at him when he made a realization expression. He put his index finger into his lips in a silent manner. Well, I don't care what he's about to do anyways.

I shrugged my shoulders and stood up, then took all my things I brought. It's better for me to go back, or I will have matching dark eye bags with Yuuta and Shoko-san. I stopped walking in front of him. "Why were you going back here? I thought you had an appointment with the Principal?".

His face instantly brightened as if he was just getting a fantastic idea. Yuuji looked at him in curiosity at his teacher's extracurricular lesson. "There's a 'plaything' out there! Wanna come along?". Plaything? Ah, of course he meant it.

I slumped my shoulders tiredly and shook my head. "No thanks. Maybe another time I'll request to go with you". I walked away and waved at them. "I have to train with the other tomorrow. Good luck".


I have a dream... Unlike sweet and cheerful or scary dreams like the other kids had, I have a strange one. I dreamt that I have a parents, the one who let me see this world, not the one that takes care and gives me happiness. They always looked at me coldly with hatred and fear. My innocent self wanted a thing I never have, so I tried to hold their hands, asking what's wrong with the only closest person I have had since I was born. But, I can't utter a single word. My words caught up in my throat without any signs to get spoken.

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