「𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚: (𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓)」

439 23 1

"𝖠𝗐, 𝖼'𝗆𝗈𝗇.. 𝖨 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗂𝗍~"

 𝖨 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗂𝗍~"

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"Welcome to Amatsuki village. The headquarters of every shaman in the Tokyo, and also the home for every prayer"

The view of multiple people and building amazed me as soon as the gate opened. Inside, I see so many people walking passed by and food stands on every side of the road with their own merchandise hung up so people can see it clearly.

I have go to a carnival before, and that can't even match the hilarity where I stand here. Many people were standing in one of the booths and ordering something, children running along the way, or just people walking around. It really is very crowded here.

They didn't joke about this village being a headquarters for shamans in Tokyo, because even without my cursed energy, I can feel their aura passed by us.

I glanced at two black-haired shamans beside me. "They too.. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, who knows that they really are this powerful"

Akai-san looked at me with her magenta eyes shining with joy and interest. She took my hand, caught me off guard and pulled me forward. "What are you waiting for? Let's enjoy this when we are still alive"

Because she is still holding my hand, I have to move and follow her whether I want to or not. Besides, the way she leads me makes happiness surge through my heart, remembering how my hand is also being held in the same way as she did before.

We're heading towards one of the food stalls and buying some sweets because she keeps asking to buy it that makes Aoi-san have to hold her arms irritatedly and give up after she starts to make a ruckus.

And here we are, walking to the main shrine with a bag full of kikufuku, mochi, and dango in her arms while she keeps teasing the black haired male.

"Aw, c'mon.. I know you also like it~"

An irk mark appeared on his forehead before he snatched three colored dango from her hand. He hissed at her amused face and sighed tiredly. "Whatever"

She smirked at him triumphantly and turned her head to face me. A realization seems to strike her as she looks at my questioning gaze. "Ah, I forget about it"

"That's right, we haven't introduced ourselves before.."

Aoi-san's statement made us stop walking. He turned back and faced me with Akai-san standing straight beside him. Their behavior makes me tilt my head in curiosity. "Are they gonna reveal that they're some sort of a VIP person or something? Aren't there anyone who will hear us if we talk here?" A train of thought about their real identity makes me feel dizzy just to guess it.

"Well, you see.. We're twins"

If I can see myself, I'm sure my eyes widened as big as my palm as my mouth hanging open with his shocking statement. I really freaked out inside my head, that I thought I started going insane. Like, I would never think about it. At all.

While I'm still in a shocked state, they continue to introduce themselves despite me still processing all of it.

"My name is Akio, and this crazy sweet-tooth over here is Aiko" he said with a straight face as the magenta eyed girl swings her foot to kick him, although he dodged it swiftly with ease.

I look at them with are-you-serious expressions and trying to accept the fact that these duo opposite are actually siblings, twins exactly. It's as if I see Gojo-sensei and [Name]-chan admitting that they're siblings, although I highly doubt it. They do have the exact same habit though, it shouldn't be wrong to assume that they're related, right?

Both of them really have similarities with my sensei and friend, it hurts. A sad smile formed in my lips as I dazed down, forced to remember the bitter truth I faced now.

"But then, their mission probably is the answer to my existence where I shouldn't belong". Finally, from a week of uncertainty, my eyes shined with a new passion and will to go back to my own timeline, my family.

"If my suspicion is proved right, it shouldn't be too long before the chaos happens right here, when we least expected it"

I reverted back my attention to the male twins and nodded. He acknowledged my plan and quickly shook his head. "No. You won't get involved further than this. Although..."

"We know that you don't belong here" they answered at the same time with a dark glint inside their eyes. My ears deafening the crowd noises as I focused on the last words they said.

My heartbeat quickened at a fast pace as a cold sweat rolled down my face. I clenched my sweaty palm as my eyes narrowed with a mix of nervousness, suspicion, and curiosity.

Out of instinct, I started backing away when all my senses were screaming danger. "They are strong, probably almost as strong as [Name]-chan although I never see her run out of cursed energy,"

I tilt up my head and bite my lower lips as countless scenarios of my situation playing like a broken record. "Then that means, without her or Rika-chan I'll die for sure"

All of a sudden, Aiko-san's aura changed into a more, happier and lighter as a chuckle escaped her lips. Akio-san sighed tiredly and massaged his forehead and glanced at my dumbfounded expression. "Is.. what the—"

"Ahahaha, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you. It just that— ahahaha stop it!" She said between her laughter before laughing again with a louder tone, making some people look at us weirdly.

I felt my hand being grabbed by none other than Akio-san that also hold his twin's arm and dragged us into a place with less people on it.

"Seriously, just stop it already. There's—"


A loud sound coming from the east caught our attention. I put my mind on alert and tried to heightened my senses, since my cursed energy has sealed.

The twins nodded their heads towards each other and once again, my hand were grabbed by the male twins. We started to running away with the magenta eyed female also running to the opposite direction where we go.

She snatch a glance at me and flashing a quick reassuring grin. "My brother is the best at talisman thing, so you'll more safer in his care. Besides.."

Her gaze shifted into a sorrowful look and turn back her head, completely leaving me baffled with what I see. Her lips moved slightly, makes me have to guessing what she trying to tell us— trying to tell me. And from the way her lips moved, I was leaving with a piece of riddle she left for me.

"No one can change a history after all"

"No one can change a history after all"

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It's short, but at least I get a mood to write. I'll trying to make the next more longer ig.


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