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“Um, miss. You order has ready”

“Oh, sorry. I was thinking about my poor life decision”

 I was thinking about my poor life decision”

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"Wow, finally!! Ow, my back". She quickly let her hands down and rubbed her back. Many people looked at her in curiosity before reverting back to their own business. People coming in and out from Hayabusa (train). It looks very crowded with the number of people on it. Well, Tohoku Shinkansen is always full of people anyways.

[Name] straightened her posture and slowly walked forward, leaving the crowded place behind. Still rubbing her back, she cursed lightly in every step while one of her hands held her phone. A keychain of [Fav. Animal] dangling from it. "I know it's not a good idea to sit down every fuckin' hour. My back is killing me" her face scrunched up in a pained expression. She walked up the stairs and reverted her hands from rubbing her back. Seems like the pain has lessened up a bit.

Her eyes focused forward while many people passed by. Dim light from various buildings greeted her as she appeared on the street. She looked down on her phone then started walking away. Now that she didn't stand among the crowds, she can be seen clearly. Her white high-collared shirt with elbow-length sleeves practically looks comfortable with her black colored shorts. She also wears black socks and black boots with a small backpack behind her.

A black car stopped right in front of her that caught her attention. The driver took down the window-pane and faced her. "[Name]-san, Yaga-san has informed me about your arrival" Ijichi said and fixed up his glasses. "In Sendai?" She was confused by his statement. "Well, I also have some business here" he shrugged. [Name] gave him a small smile and reached out her hand to open the door. It opened with a small 'click' then she quickly sat down on the back couch. "Thank you, Ijichi-san. Please drop me by Ichiban-cho, I have some business there". She closed the door and crossed her legs.

"Of course. Do you want me to pick you up? I'll go back to Tokyo tomorrow morning though." He asked. She hummed lightly while opening her message and sending a reply. "Sounds nice. I'll call you later" Ijichi averted back his attention to the steering-wheel and drove off to her destination.


They arrived at Ichiban-cho Area fifteen minutes later. [Name] stepped out of the car then closed it. She lowered her head to look at Ijichi. "I'll call you again later. Thank you Ijichi-san" she gave him a small smile then straightened her back and left. Ijichi looked at her leaving figure for a moment before driving off, leaving her disappearing in the crowd.

[Name] stopped by one of the foodstores and ordered a crêpe. She opened her phone and texted someone while waiting for it.

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