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"I have five apples-"

"No, you don't"

"No, you don't"

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"Uh.. Some injuries will be unavoidable. So, um, let's help each other and-"

"Time's up"

Their bickered sound echoed loudly from the speaker. Utahime-sensei's words make me almost feel relieved that there's no Satoru's hilarious interruption. Almost. Until he rudely decided to cut her off.

"Gojo! You little-"

"It's time for the Goodwill Event to-"

C'mon guys... I tried to be serious for once now. I decided to deafen my ears to their useless conversation and exchange a comment with the brown haired shaman besides me.

"That's incredibly stupid". I put up a disgusted face with their still-on-air-bickering and instantly nodded in agreement with her comment.

"And who's the one who started it?"

"That stupid blindfold teacher of yours"

"But he's also your teacher"

"I have one real teacher once, not that one"

She looked taken aback with my remark and turned her head. We faced each other before exchanging pointed fingers and smirking simultaneously. That's when a loud 'Start' coming from the speaker echoed that made us start to run forward. I heard they made a short conversation beside me when I kept focusing forward. "If they had that much energy to waste on a run while chatting, then I happily zip my mouth shut".

A bee-like curse hanging upside down that looks like it has been waiting for us to exorcize it. We stopped running and were planning to exorcize it. Maki prepared her cursed weapon and me with my technique. Before my weapon fully formed, Megumi's warning caught our attention.

"Senpai! Stop!". A rumbling sound coming through the root of trees and getting louder until Toudou's figure appeared breaking through it. How can a human's skin become that awfully hard? Which one is stronger, his skin or steel? If I throw my weapon at him, will it scratch him? Or will it bounce off?

"Good! Everyone's here! Let's have everyone... Come at me all at once!". Toudou's loud declaration snapped me from my 0.01 second daydreaming state. Finally, I get some sense of awareness of my surroundings after getting too much daydreaming and spacing out since today.

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