𝟏𝟐- 「 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 」

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◣𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝐺◥

Warning: manga spoiler
Read it slowly to get the mood. Enjoy

[Name] ran with Itadori and Toudou followed her. When she senses their presence getting closer, she told them to go straight ahead. "You won't come with us?" Itadori asked. She avoided some branches while keeping the situation checked. "I'll catch up later. Your priority is what's in front of us now" she didn't need to turn her head to know their understanding.

She smiled at them once more before going separate ways. "We'll separate here. Stay alive okay?". Both males nodded. She quickly headed to a place where one of the main problems was. The 'Screen', she doesn't know why the enemy is bothering to make it. But, there's always a purpose behind their actions. So, either this barrier makes someone trapped here or prevents someone from coming here. Which one is it, she doesn't know. That's why she's going to find out.

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"Puhuhuhu.... AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAH" Someone with long black hair that reached her back screamed with laughter. Her body bent down and both of her hands held her stomach. She wheezed with watery eyes from 'something' she watched before.

Out of the blue, her surrounding flickering with white light. The usual space with a black and purple combination cracked a little at the time the lights came. She calms herself down and goes back to her previous position.

She sat on a queen-like throne with her cheek leaning on her palm. Her head slightly tilted up, with a mocking smirk. Both her legs crossed up, showing arrogance and superiority. She wears a black gothic dress and a white glove on her hands.

Her eyes squinted with a dangerous glint, and her smirk didn't disappear from her face. Her presence was partially screaming 'Murder' and 'Danger'. She stood up and placed a rectangular thing on her belt. The 'Space' opened a bit to let the owner get out of it. Once she made it outside, she was greeted with a not-so-unusual sight. Many things floated on the 'air'. There's no single place that isn't covered by water so far.

She stepped forward with ease, unbothered with the scenery around. The water doesn't reach past her and ankle, so she can walk around freely. Each step she takes echoed around. Water dripped from her shoes and makes multiple ripples in each step. She keeps humming a certain melody every step she takes.

"I've told you didn't I?"


◤  ___― ⇌✾⇋ _―――  ◢

A years ago..

Somewhere in Tokyo...

'Tap..' 'Tap..' I walked in the school corridor. My instinct is never wrong if it comes to problem. And I have a feeling that something big will happen in this place. I hummed "I wonder what will happen this time, huh?". I speed my steps towards the cafeteria and jump up and down, following every tune I hummed. "If it's about curses then, I won't be surprised" I smiled.

I was about to run when a voice caught my attention. "It's been a while hasn't it, Okkotsu" I peeked my head in the small gap on the door out of curiosity. I saw five students on the back of the room. The four's back facing me when the other one looks so small?, "Maybe he shrinked down?". His posture looks unconfident, plus the other people keep cornering him. "Bullying?" I thought.

"Don't come over here," the bullied boy said. "If things start getting out of control, I'll kick their a$$" I said, suddenly excited with my own thoughts. Just imagining their beaten faces makes my mood brighten. Don't blame me, I haven't gotten good training since a long time ago. "Do you know how bad I've wanted to hit you? Pay a little attention to my feelings" the dark haired bully said. He started blushing and loosing his tie. The atmosphere feels uncomfortable, even though I can feel it from here.

"I take it back. I really hate those bullies. If he dare lay a finger on him, I'll make him can't see sunlight ever again" vein popped out of my head. "If you keep teasing me this much... I'll end up killing you without even realize it". And, that's the end of my patience. Sorry guys, but you've crossed the line. May your souls be forgiven.

I slammed the door open with a dark aura behind "OI YOU—". "YOU CAN'T COME HERE! RIKA-CHAN!!" The bullied boy yelled. I froze in my place after sensing something powerful inside the room. "Rika?" Dark-haired bully questioned. A hand reached onto his head and immediately beat up all of them and stuffed them inside a closet. Except me and him, of course.

He scrunched down and held his head. I can say he looks so stressed by what just happened. Seems like he knows about the curse too. I smirked "Interesting.. I know my instinct is never wrong in this case" my eyes widen. I made my way towards him.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." he whimpered. I walked to the slightly opened closet to see what's inside it. "Wow, you really beat them up, huh" I was amused with his ability. I looked at him to see his horrified face. "Y-you..". I smiled at him "I won't do anything to you, don't worry".

I scrunched down and look straight at his eyes. "What's your name, young man?". He seems hesitated for a moment then answered my question. "Okkotsu.. Yuuta" Satisfied with his answer, I stood up and stretch out my hand. "Just call me [Name]. Nice to meet you, Yuuta-kun"

◤  ___― ⇌✾⇋ _―――  ◢

Present time...

"Huh, someone actually did it" she thought boredly. [Name] went back to Itadori's and Toudou's location. "I'm feel useless.." she narrowed her eyes and speeding up.

She quickly jump branch-to-branch to keep her stay hidden from enemy's point of view. "Something is happened there. Toudou's there so it'll be alright, Itadori isn't the one to underestimated either" she leaned back and played with her katana handle. " 'A space to think', huh.. they did it quite well for someone that just met a day—".

"Enjoy what you see?" Someone whispered behind her. She quickly stand and jump aside. Her eyes widen and breath hitched. "How come I didn't notice it before?!" She eyed the new presence carefully. Long black hair, ruby eyes, black dress, white glove and rectangular thing on her hips.

[Name]'s expression completely hopeless. Her face had no different with a lifeless corpse. Her body became numb as soon as she registered the figure in front of her. "A—" she smiled softly. "Now, now [Name].. It's rude not to greet your beloved family isn't it?" She smirked widely. She lifted her chin, looked down on her terrorized face. Her state really amused her that she laughing sadistically.

"N-no way... How did you—" she breathing heavily, too shocked to even registered what's actually happened around her. The other person calm herself and cupped [Name]'s cheeks. "So warm.." she thought. She smirked and slid her arms down and embrace the poor girl. Her gesture make [Name]'s mental state worsening each second passed.

Her heart beating faster than any other human could do. She seems forgetting how to breath in her presence. Her knees shaking before she fell deeper into her embrace. Tears streaming down her face while the other smiles lovingly. She hug the other tightly, didn't care with multiple eyes that watch them. "Don't you miss me? [Name]-chan"

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A/N: That music help me set the mood, if you didn't get it then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. See ya in the next chapter~


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