Only For You

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Hey, new readers and old readers~
A little warning before you reading this, please read with caution.

What you about to read is a complete messy book created by Amateur no.1, that have exactly no experience before starting this one. I didn't wanted to re-published it, honestly. But count it as a reminder of who am I before, and how much I've progressing.

Misusing words may appear in some chapters, and maybe I won't do anything about it. Read at your own risk, I don't need you to rub it on my face.

And please, if you're about to give a comment, don't be rude. I may not warn it before, but any words that I find disrespectful will immediately deleted.

Originally, this books have two different stories. You'll find my first ever fanfiction with " (number) - ..... Or「」/『』 " as the title, and Seeker with " Ch. -- ". Well, basically, 'VOID' is the story after you scroll down, and passing the untold history. That's, my first ever writing attempt that completed on a month with rushed idea.

For a simple advice; Don't reading more than 'Untold History', I beg you.

Once again, this book is full of crap, but thanks for your kind words (some people who said it).

Well, that's it from me. This is the last update from this book. I won't explain the main reason- because most likely nobody cares -but you always welcomed to ask me anytime.

Thank you for reading, and may your sanity still on piece.

P.s: don't mind my grammar, plz

- Sincerely, Amateur 2.0


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