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“You messed it so bad”

“Don't break the fourth wall”

“Don't break the fourth wall”

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Warning: Bloody scene

  There will be a little bloody scene, very little on this chapter. However, if you didn't feel comfortable with this, you can just skip a part with a lining and two dots then continue when there are two lines with three dots. Enjoy.


"You're gonna regret it deeply". I lowered my upper body and quickly dashed forward in her direction. An ominous black aura irradiating from her and forming a black tendrils that quickly shot at me.

I took out a yellow paper with a red painted talisman and put my cursed energy in it. It's a convenient seal that anyone can use as long as they put enough cursed energy to activate it. "O, lord. May this cursed soul blessed" I put it between my index and middle finger then swings it.

It flies forward at a high speed that makes the black tendrils unable to touch it and disappears until it is planted on its owner's forehead. Mitsuri was unable to move single limbs for a few seconds. Sensing the danger had stopped emitting from her, I slowed down my step and chose to observe what would happen next.

Out of the blue, a yellow lightning striking from the air that instantly burned away the seal paper I used on her. Yellow lightning, a sign of exorcism with a traditional method that in the past used to do purification and exorcism from the evil spirit. And, all of this began to make sense.

Her existence standing right in front of me is an abnormality. Moreover, with all the years I've known her, she can't use any single cursed technique. She can't even see curses up until now, and I've come to a conclusion. A single theory that proves her very existence is fake.

'Slicer'. My fingers moved in a way similar to Satoru's imaginary technique to do an attack, and an invisible form of my pixels slicing through the air.

In a blink of eyes, her body started dispersing into little pieces. Starting with her limbs, torso, and keeps creeped up into her blackened iris. A cracking sound from a glowing red core in her head has explained everything I need to know. After all, a dead soul shouldn't be walking in the living person's world.

I was standing in a pool of black substance from her 'body'. A heavy feeling on my chest suffocated me as a stinging feeling on my skin started to appear. I let out a shaky breath and looked back to the highest place around me.

"I know you're there, come out and face me". In a flash, a figure with dark colored clothes with light leggings and boots appeared in front of me with an unamused look on her face.

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