Chapter 56

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Y/N stared in horror as more and more of them began to spawn like they came straight out of a video game, childlike masks, business suits, and weapons in hand as each zap of blue light flashed to reveal a new character. She felt a cold sweat envelope her body as her head snapped to each and every new hitman who came to aid in their defeat and she cursed herself when she realized she gave the Handler what she always wanted. A reaction.

The satisfaction was written all over the woman's face as she laughed at the turn of events, a game that was looking like it would easily play right into her hands.

"So what do we do now," Diego asked, obviously caught off guard by the way his legs suddenly went limp.

"Well, we got two choices: fight and die or run and die later," Five said.

All of them exchanged glances before nodding, the choice obvious as the Handler slowly brought out a red handkerchief from her pocket.


They all turned on their heels as soon as the Handler dropped the cloth, anxiously anticipating the deafening battle cry of the whole Commission, who started forward and ran towards the siblings, who were now accpeting the fact that they were heavily outnumbered.  Shots fired immediately as surprisingly, the vortex storm above the farmhouse closed up leaving one thing less to worry about. Amongst all the chaos, an ecstsatic Handler placed her hat back atop her head and gave a sickly smile towards the three running in front of her.

"Well, Vanya's helped us with that," Y/N yelled over the gunshots as she dodged a bullet that came her way. "Honestly, these people have bad aim-"

"Don't jinx it."


"Y/N, Diego, grab my hand," Five yelled, holding it out to them.

They obeyed instantly knowing what he planned as a blast of blue light brought them farther out onto the field.

"Teleport us to the house," Diego yelled as Y/N quickly threw a flame over the red tractor they were taking refuge behind. A yelp of pain heard from the other side brought her a spark of relief, as she was already mortified enough to look over to check herself.


Five shook his head as he felt the drowsiness from being drained of energy. "No time. Ah- Duck!."

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna puke," Diego gagged, dropping to the ground after narrowly dodging an arrow.

"How medieval," Y/N scoffed, picking it up before throwing it back where it came from.

"Ow! Dammit!"

Y/N flinched at the sound of Luther's yell and she peaked out from under the tractor to see him, Allison, and Klaus hiding behind a wagon of hay. Hay...Oh!An idea formed inside her head as she began to crawl under the tractor to get to the wagon, planning to use it to give them more time, but when she felt a hand on her back dragging her back into the field, she completely forget about it. She came face to face with Five and scowled.

"I was going to buy us more time!"

"Time is a bucket of gold that we just don't have, no matter what we do," he glowered, jumping as a bullet wedged its way into the side of the tractor. "It's not safe here anymore. We have to leave."

Diego nodded anxiously, staring at the place where three bullets had been fired, right where his head was a mere secoond ago. Five put his hand on his shoulder, then one on Y/N's before his hands began to glow and hum a solid blue. Unfortunatley, that was all it could do. The strange humming began to die down and Five exhaled, dropping in exhaustion at his exhertion.

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