Chapter 31

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"Elliot, did you develop these photos yourself," Five asked.

"Of course. Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighborhood foot-mat. Government has eyes everywhere," Elliot answered, eating a bowl of cereal.

"I didn't see a darkroom," Five shrugged.

"We always convert them in the hallway closet," Y/N replied. "It has nice light."

Five nodded and took out the tape from his pocket, crossing out the date and giving it to Elliot. "Can you develop this?"

"Hmm? Huh. Frankel Footage. Friends of yours," Elliot asked as he inspected it.

"Cousins on my robot mother's side," Five smiled. "Can you do it or not?"

"We sure can. It'll take...5, maybe 6 hours."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Well, we're running low on acid-"

"Yes," Y/N raised her voice, knowing Elliot all too well. "I'm positive. I'll go to the back."

Five nodded and turned his attention to the radio saying there was a 3-15 on some street. That meant there were fugitives on the run. That meant he knew exactly where to find Diego. Right now, he was their only hope for the next few moves they had on getting everyone together, especially now that they've lost Luther.

Y/N made her way into the hall and placed red lenses on top of the lights so the room received its red glow needed for developing pictures.

However, a certain number-named boy spatial jumped into the room, filling it with his bright blue light as Y/N scurried to cover the developing pictures which would most definitely be ruined.

"Five! What the heck," Y/N yelled as she covered the tape from the light.

"Sorry," Five mumbled.

"You could have ruined it!"

"Sorry," Five raised his voice impatiently.

Y/N pressed her lips together and closed her eyes for a few seconds, hoping God will give her patience, as she straightened her posture and gave Five a smile that chilled him to the bone.

"Something popped up and ruined plans, just like you did, right?"

Five rolled his eyes but nodded. "Yes. Diego's gotten into a situation."


"Yes. I'm going now," Five said as he turned around and exited the room, making sure to open the door to his slightest to avoid bringing in too much light.

"Why'd you come over here if you were just gonna go," Y/N asked, raising her eyebrow at Five before she left.

Five opened his mouth to answer before he himself found his actions quite unusual.

Why did he come over to Y/N to tell her nothing?

Five shrugged before he left the room, giving a lazy wave as he opened the door fully, letting in a bunch of light as a way to hide his hesitation on Y/N's question.

"I dunno, guess I just wanted to get on your nerves."

"Dang it, Five!"


"Holy hedgehogs," Elliot yelled, making Y/N look away from her work searching for any of her siblings in the phone book.


There was a crash from the other room, but Elliot came out with a rifle in one hand and Frankel Footage in the other.

"Woah, woah, woah," Y/N stood up, holding her hand up to her cheek as she tried to step away. Elliot's aim was lousy, and she didn't know whether he was joking or not about shooting her.

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