15 | sock it gloria

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A week had passed, and Y/N still hadn't had any success contacting Five within the Commission. Her initial attempt was a feeble one; it involved heading straight to his desk in the management division, only to be intercepted by the Handler, who had mistaken her efforts to speak with Five as simple disorientation. Y/N was thankful for the Handler's misconception and took it as a warning for future endeavors.

Her second attempt to reach out to him took place during lunchtime, a period when the entire Commission congregated to endure the bland offerings of the cafeteria. However, Five was conspicuously absent from the dimly lit café, and Y/N found herself reluctantly sharing a table with Mitch while discreetly surveying for an opportunity to plan her escape.

Following Mitch's confrontation in her room, Y/N resolved to remain deliberately vague during conversations with her partner. This strategy seemed to work, restoring a semblance of the casual atmosphere they initially shared, which was acceptable to both of them.

Her third attempt, the most recent, involved a more calculated approach. Y/N remembered that Five had previously communicated with her through the tubes, so she decided to try the same method. However, as she anticipated, both the management and the Temps were prohibited from directly contacting other workers via the tube system.

Instead, direct orders were routed through a timid yet well-liked woman named Gloria, whom Y/N suspected had a background as a librarian before joining the Commission. Y/N attempted to bypass Gloria's vigilance and discreetly find Five's tube, but Gloria's sharp eyes caught her in the act. Fortunately, this happened after Y/N had already sent the message, leaving nothing else to be done.

Now, Y/N was desperately waiting for a reply. She hoped that Five was capable of decoding the message, which she had cleverly disguised to avoid interception. As days passed without a response, she began to worry. Thoughts of Five being disposed of gnawed at her, and after another week, she started to come to terms with the fact that their stint in the Commission might no longer be temporary.

"You keep staring up that chute like you're expecting something," a voice sounded from the corner of the room.

Y/N tensed slightly, tearing her gaze away from the empty chute before stammering out an excuse. "With the number of missions we've been having lately, I don't know what to expect."

Mitch sighed, nodding as he shook a wavy strand of hair out of his eyes. "Right."

A comfortable silence settled over them, which wasn't unusual, until Y/N finally stood up from her desk and approached Mitch, watching as his hooded eyes tracked her every move. "We should leave now."

Mitch remained still, arms crossed, looking down at her with a blank expression.


"You've been trying to contact Five," he blurted, jaw clenching as he uncrossed his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Y/N lied through her teeth, glaring up at Mitch with narrowed eyes.

The man advanced, taking a step forward as he felt his rising frustration at her adamant attitude. "Don't fucking lie to me, alright? You don't know what you're doing!"

"And you do?" she snapped, her voice dripping with sarcasm as a sneer curled her lips. "You know nothing about me. Nothing beyond what's in my file, Rapp."

He stiffened, warily eyeing her glowing red fingers, as if expecting flames to erupt. She rarely used her powers, so the ominous glow of her fingers set him on guard.

"So you know then?" he questioned softly.

"I guessed. And I was right."

Mitch exhaled, placing a hand on her stiff shoulder as he reassembled his patience. "Look, it's been about a month since you've been here, and you're doing a better job than people who've been here for years. You should reconsider before the Handler finds out."

Sarcasm | Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now