65 | pocket full of lightning

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The electrical room in the basement of the Hotel Obsidian was dark and grimy, with brown streaks of rust covering the walls and dirt staining the cement floor.

Y/N was almost reminded of the Commission just by standing in it, and when she realized that the Commission was the destination for the mission, the irony was almost palpable.

The girl was by herself in the electrical room as she continued to dismember the engineering of one of the black briefcases.

The machinery was beautifully crafted, as much as she hated to admit, and as a notable tinkerer, Y/N couldn't help but feel great admiration for whoever had designed it.

After finding the main power source, Y/N grabbed two electrical pliers from the toolbox in the corner and prepared to jumpstart the case with her lightning, until a certain bright flash of blue alarmed her and caused a huge bolt to fly out her hand and into the wall.

Both Five and Y/N stared at the charred spot on the wall in shock before turning to look at each other.

Five had changed out of his hobo getup into a nicely fitted gray suit, with his hair styled in its usual side part and his tie neatly knotted and accessorized around his white collar. It was undeniably attractive.

"You clean up nicely," Y/N remarked, looking down at her own outfit in hesitation. They practically wore the same thing.

"Chet," they both sighed in unison, shaking their heads.

As Five had done, Y/N requested a tailored suit from the sassy concierge, who still mourned the disappearance of his pet pug, and he made it wonderfully with its oversized fit and powerful silhouette. If she had money, she'd pay him dearly.

"Have you tried anything yet?" Five questioned, bending down to take a look at Y/N's work.

"You blinked just before I was about to hot wire this," Y/N answered, taking a hold of the pliers again.

"Is that safe?" Five raised a brow, looking down at the pliers in her hands, to the briefcase, and then finally to Y/N herself.

"Safe for me, or for the briefcase?" the girl deadpanned, noticing his expression.

Five didn't answer and averted his gaze to the ground as he began to whistle.

"It's fine, Five. I've had time to learn how to control the voltage. I'm more or less a human taser now," Y/N commented, ignoring his concerns.

Suddenly, a patterned knock followed on the door, and Five swung it open in exasperation as he looked up at the sight Lila's enthusiastic face.

"You could've just jumped," Five sighed, moving to the side to let her in regardless.

"Nice suit," she complemented, ignoring Five's comment.

"Thanks. Tailor in the lobby is a master craftsman."

"Still, I will miss those pasty knees," Lila clicked her tongue, leaning against some of the machinery in the room.

Y/N glared at her, looking down at her knees in embarrassment. She then realized the woman was talking about Number Five.

"Yeah, well, we could all stand to be showing a little less skin these days," Five retorted, walking away to get a tool.

"Whatever," Lila scrunched her nose before leaning besides Y/N, nudging her shoulder playfully. "So, how're we getting this lump of junk to work?"

Y/N's hands crackled with electricity, the blue bolts tickling between her fingers. "I've got a pocket full of lightning," she shrugged, lightly touching the pliers.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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