Chapter 52

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The vortex got bigger and bigger as Older Looking Five furrowed his brows in concentration while the splatters of blue, teal, and green joined together to form a clearer image.

Through the vortex, you could see the courtyard of the Umbrella Academy, all of the siblings holding confused faces at whatever they were seeing from their point of view. Y/N could remeber vividly, the experiance of realizing her dreaded roomate was finally coming back. Even if it was more than 20 years...

With a final grunt, the portal increased in it's size until it was big enough to slip through.

"Into the vortex you go, asshole," Five yelled as he pointed to the blue opening in space. Y/N nodded as she walked forward, the gun pressing harder against his skull.

"But give me the math," Older Looking Five yelled quickly. "So I don't end up looking like Tiger Beat over here!"

Five, Y/N, and Luther exchanged glances before resting their gaze back on Older Looking Five.

"You stand next to the vortex, I'll tell ya! Go!"

Older Looking Five stood up hesitantly and made his way to the portal, stopping a few feet away from it.

"Closer," Y/N ordered, making her way around them so she could finally corner Older Looking Five.

"This is close enough! Now give it to me!"

Five and Y/N gave each other a glance before Y/N nodded sourly, snapping her focus back to their problem.

"It was a typo," Five explained.


"We put the decimal in the wrong spot in our proof of the existence of a bound for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of fixed degree," Five said.

"Hurry up! We actually haven't got all day," Y/N urged, glancing over at the crowd only a few feet away.

Five rolled his eyes. "The point is...we wrote down 5.7, it should be...."

"Zero point seven," he and his Older Looking self said at the same time.

"Son of a bitch," Older Looking Five scolded himself, pinching the top of his nose. "I knew it didn't look right."

The vortex roared, Five holding his hands out to shield himself from the blinding light.

"All right," Older Looking Five said, shifting on his foot. "I guess this is it."

"This is it," snapped Five, who had fixed his blazer before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Go."

Suddenly, a fire extinguisher shot out of the portal making a small zap as it entered and hit Luther hard in the head, making him go starry eyed before he collapsed onto the ground.

Y/N sucked in air through her teeth as she shook her head and looked down at Luther's body and the bruise that was already forming on his head. "Ouch."

Suddenly, Older Looking Five lunged forward for the unattained briefcase when Y/N was distracted staring at Luther's body. Both Y/N and Five went after him, grabbing it just in time but suffering a hard collision with their heads. Y/N groaned and tried to ignore the throbing pain in her head as she clutched the briefcase in her arms.

Suddenly, a whooshing noise took both Y/N and Luther out of their half-unconcious misery when they noticed a change to the portal.

Luther took notice from this, "Five, it's shrinking!"

Five immediately shot up and kicked Older Looking Five, forcing him through the portal as he gave out a final shout of suprise when he lunged forward and finally fell through the portal. The vortex crackled and shook and once Older Looking Five was gone, it groaned in fury before exerting a hard electromagnetic force that knocked all three of them off their feet and blinded them with it's searing bright light. But soon after, it finally zapped shut.

"We did it," Luther cheered happily as Five helped Y/N up, staring wide eyed at the briefcase that was crackling from electricity in her arms.

"Ouch," Y/N exclaimed, dropping it onto the ground from her arms as it shocked her ruthlessly. "I guess the portal's force was too much for it. I'm sorry."

Five shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, anyway."

She gave him a weak smile. Another attempt at getting a breifcase and going back home, gone. It sucked the last living hope out of Y/N at the thought of it. With another look at the breifcase sizzling on the ground, Five gave it a hearty kick and sighed.

"You know what? A thank you for preserving your existence would be nice," Luther argued.

"That's the worst part," Y/N grumbled, running a hand over her face.

Five rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak before the radio blasted on full volume, annoucning the arrival of President Kennedy.

"Hey! Guys! Here he comes!"

Y/N, Five, and Luther all ran up to the fence, peering at the car that was turning around onto the famous curb before their eyes caught a familiar black umbrella opened in broad daylight, blocking the shining sun. The same formal, black attire in the nice weather of mid November in Dallas, Texas. That golden etched monacle that the Umbrella Academy had embedded in their very dreams, and most dreadful nightmares.


"Uh oh."


Suddenly, all of them froze as a head inheriting that shoulder length bush of brown dashed past them onto the grass and towards the possibly unsuspecting man. Then they all remebered, a memory that followed with a headache...

"Diego," they said in unison.

From across the lawns, Diego darted through the park going straight down to the curb, straight down to Reginald. He panted heavily as his arms went from here to there before he was only a few feet away from the man, running across top the road to tackle him.

He and the man landed on the grass with a thud and a grunt before Diego leaned back up to see, it wasn't him. It was nowhere near Reginald Hargreeves. The only similarity from him and this stranger was the clothes and that malicious glint in their eyes. The stranger began to wheeze at the look on Diego's face before several gunshots went off and the excited chatter and joyful atmosphere died down to whispers of fear.

"No," he yelled as the citizens screamed and ran away from the park in alarm. Several sirens followed not even a second later as a dozen police cars crowded the scene.

"We need to go," Y/N whispered, pulling on the arms of Luther and Five.

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