Chapter 43

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Y/N went to patch herself up after their epic fail trying to escape the new apocalypse and Five was sent to a harsher state of stress as he paced the room in hope to come up with a new plan.

It seemed almost impossible with their overdue deadline and absence of people because Diego was missing, Allison chose to stay, and Vanya was still at the farm.

The thing was, none of them knew. Klaus said that he remembered Diego picking him up from his mansion a while ago, meaning he wouldn't have bailed out, so something must have happened to him, and everyone could hope it would be different from what happened the last time he went.


The boy was snapped out of his trance once he saw Y/N pointing at his hands.

"They're bleeding, Five. Stop biting your nails."

Five instantly took his hands away from his face and wiped them on his jacket sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm just...stressed."

"Really," Y/N raised an eyebrow and tossed him a wipe to clean his fingers. "Don't worry. There's definitely a million ways we can get back and save ourselves, with or without the rest of us."

"Well, it feels like we're already dead."

Y/N frowned at Five's direction, shuffling away from him on the couch.


"Stop it. You're already being depressing enough, don't drag me down with you," Y/N sighed, leaning back into the arm rest. "I didn't even get rid of the Swedes. It'll be worse knowing they're still after us."

"You're the definition of 'if I have to get a job done I need to do it myself'," Five snapped, rolling his eyes at Y/N's offense.

"Excuse me? I've been doing your little errands ever since you got back!"

"And I've been fixing your mistakes ever since your brain tried to work properly!"

"Name one time," Y/N hollered, crossing her arms.

"Hey," a voice bellowed from the stairs. "Shut up and come down here for a sec!"

Five grumbled to himself in  annoyance as he stood at the balcony to look down at Luther who was already coming up to him.

"So what's the plan, Five. What do we do? Where's Diego? Where's Allison?"

"Shut it, alright? And screw Diego, Allison can go to hell for all I care," Five snapped.

Suddenly, he raced back through the halls, Luther on his tail as he took off his coat and threw it on the sofa.

"Ew. It smells like beans and coffee," Y/N grimaced as she tossed the jacket off of her lap and followed after Luther.

"If you don't have a plan, where are you going," he asked.

"I'm going to do the unthinkable, alright? I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this."

"Huh? A second ago you were saying there was no use in trying," Y/N questioned.

Five ignored both her and Luther, the girl rolling her yes as she ran after Five who had closed the door to the other side of the apartment behind him, Luther being locked out.

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