62 | crybaby

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"That little delinquent is your son?"

Y/N snickered, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she looked over her shoulder at the twelve year old boy.

Apparently, "Diego's boys swim fast," and the tween-aged kid who sat at the table alone, munching on lobster, was Diego's son.

Diego himself, still a little dazed after his encounter with Lila, wasn't able to believe it.

"Allegedly my son," he replied, a bitter hitch to his tone as he glared at the laughing heap Klaus and Y/N were in.

"That's so funny," Klaus wheezed, holding his stomach in glee.

"Wait, who's...who's the mother?"

Five suddenly appeared from behind Y/N, finally out of his uniform as he clutched a cocktail in hand, peering at the new addition to the family.


A flash of commotion rolled over the group as everyone spat out a surprised reaction at his answer.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lila's here," Y/N questioned, staring at Diego in genuine curiosity.

"She dropped him off in my lap last night then bolted," he answered, looking down annoyed.

"I don't much care for that one," Klaus remarked, grimacing.

"Technically, she's family."

"She was trying to murder us, like yesterday," retorted Klaus, grabbing Y/N's arm and pulling her close to him as he lifted her sleeve to show burn marks from their fight. "Look! She harmed my baby sister!"

Y/N sighed, gently pulling her arm out of his grasp and placing it around his shoulders. "First, I'm older than you, by a lot. Second, I did a lot more harm to her than she did to me."

She grinned, catching Five's eyes from across the table as she look a long sip from her straw. The boy returned it with a sly smirk, a mischievous glint in his eye as he lowered his drink.

"Diego, is she coming back," Klaus asked, exasperated, as if he was the one who single handedly fought her days earlier.

"Well, she goddamn better be because we got more important things to be dealing with right now," Diego raised his voice, stare rested on the boy like he wanted him to hear what he was saying.

Y/N rolled her eyes, warming up her hand and placing it on the nape of his neck. "Cool it. He's just a kid."

"Ow! You cool it."

He glowered down at her, rubbing his neck as he sat back down on his chair, mouthing all kinds of curses under his breath.

Suddenly, Vanya approached, walking up to them with a confident stride, and a new haircut that rested above her ears. Y/N smiled, meeting eyes with Klaus as they shared a mutual look of amusement and interest.

"Where's Luther?"

"Who cares? Probably out for..." Diego turned, looking at Vanya's new look in surprise. "a run."

Vanya stopped, noticing the more-than-usual attention she gained as she revealed herself.

"Mmh. Love the haircut," Klaus complemented, sipping his tea.

"It suits you," Y/N said, winking in her direction.

Five nodded in agreement, sipping Y/N's drink after finishing his own.

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