Cvil war

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This is if Peter is Tony and peppers son and he joins the avengers but if you've seen civil war which if you haven then spoilers of course nat is Peters aunt and Wanda is his girlfriend and everyone is his uncle

Peter POV


I sat at a table with Wanda we were both in disguises "alright what do you see" Steve said over coms "standard b cops small station quiet street it's a good target" she said "there's an atm on the corner which means" I cut him off "cameras both cross roots are one way so compromised escape roots" I said "means our guy doesn't care on being scene he doesn't care on making a mess on the way out see that range over half way up the block" he said "the red one it's cute" Wanda said "it's also bulletproof which means private security which means more guns which means more headaches for some body probably us" I said taking a sip of my coffee "you guys know I can move things with my mind right" she said "yea and I can climb up wall and shoot webs from my wrists" I said "yea but looking over your shoulder should be second nature" nat said "anybody tell you your a little paranoid" sam said "not to my face why did you hear something" nat said
(Little time jump because if I quote the entire movie this may take a month to write) I flew in with cap and immediately kicked two hostiles cap threw me his shield and I threw it at another armed man "body armor AR-15s I count seven hostiles" I said I saw Sam fold his wings in front of him to shield himself and did a double spinning side kick "I make five" he said Wanda floated in and made a guard fly up and Sam hit him with his wing "four" he said again "rumlow's on the third floor" he said "Wanda just like we practiced" Steve said "what about the gas?" She said "get it out" I said we both leaped off the hood of a truck and Wanda propelled us into the window of the building we rolled in I grabbed a mans mask and kicked him into the wall "nice job spider man" Steve said with a smirk "oh don't get your hopes up captain America we still have a job let's stay on it so I can go home and stay with my family but if I die on this mission then Wanda and mom are gonna kill me" I said me and cap went to the bio room "rumlow has a biological weapon" we ran out the doors onto the balcony and crossbones shot a Grenade launcher round at us luckily cap shield us blocked us from almost death of course blow back me and Steve made it out the building and ran to where they ditched the truck "they ditched there gear it's a shell game now one of them has the payload" just then a bomb stuck to caps shield he threw it up in the air and we both got
punched in the back "there you are you sons of bitch's I've been waiting for this" he screamed he punched cap across to the near buy wall and we got into a fight cap got up and we both went tow to tow with the former hydra agent we both got pinned up against the wall "this is for dropping a building on my face" he said before a blade came out from his gauntlet he stabbed the wall I grabbed his arm and bent it till it cracked Steve grabbed the one of his two gauntlets and pulled it out of his hand he summoned the second blade from his right gauntlet I kicked him until he flew across the open area the onto a small table we speed walked over and he took off his mask "I think I look good all things considered" he said "who's your buyer" Steve
Said "you know he knew you your pal your buddy your Bucky" he said "what did you say" Steve said "he remembered you I was there he got all weepy about it till they put his brain back in a blender he wanted you to know something he said to me... please tell Rogers when you gotta go you gotta go and your coming with me" he said before pushing a button and exploding Wanda put him in a bubble and he flew up in the air and exploded in the air next to a children's hospital "oh my..." Steve said in shock "Sam we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building we gotta get up there" i said

Time jump

I was watching the news with Steve we looked at each other and back at the screen Steve turned off the tv but we heard another tv playing from one of the rooms me and Steve looked at each other and went to Wanda's room Steve walked in and talked to her while leaned against the door frame

Little jump After the talk

Ross slid over something called the sokovia accords I looked at Steve and I passed it to him "what If we come to a decision you don't like" I said "then you retire" he said "Peter for someone your age you need the take most of the decisions into account especially with you abilities" Ross said "with all due respect I know the nature of abilities and i don't think I need clairvoyances from you" I said

ANOTHER TIME JUMP this is getting LONG

"117 countries want to sign this Pete 117" rhodey said "oh please the only reason your agreeing to this is is so you don't end up In a super max prison" i Said "Pete don't not with your uncle" dad said "sorry uncle Rhodes" I said "it's ok your mad I get it" "I'm not mad I'm just" I threw something against the wall "Ross wants to have power over the avengers does anyone have a problem with that yes then if something is going to happen then I'm not going to be apart of this" I said "Pete your are the best part of the team your kind funny and your relationship with Wanda has never been stronger we need you" Sam said

AnOtHeR tImE jUmP
Airport fight

"The only reason I'm here is so we don't break our family I may not want to sign the accords
But still " I said "ok I understand your reason Pete" Steve said i nodded my head and we came to terms I made a new uncle Bucky and I would say he's pretty awesome infinity war and endgame never happened

End requests open i hope
You like it this is probably the longest chapter I've done all I'm gonna say please
Don't ask me to do another long ass chapter I'm going to bed I'm sleep deprived but I did it for you guys I stay up until 2 at night writing for you guys now you know how much I care for you guys I risk my own health for you guys to be happy

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