Best day ever

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Where we last left off Peters class got off there bus and walked into SI part two picks up 3 minutes after Part one ended now like a wise man once said EXCELSIOR

Peter POV

I entered SI we all walked up to the front desk " oh hello you must be midtown high 2:30 correct"? Said the receptionist "yes we are" said mr Harrington with excitement in his voice "ok now I will call your names and you will come up and get a badge" she pulled out a box with level one badges when she was done giving out badges mr Harrington spoke up "excuse me ma'am one of my students did not get a badge" and he points to me "oh hey Peter I hope you have your badge? She said "yea I do" said Peter mr Harrington walks to me and says "Peter if you stole that you will be in big trouble" he said
"I did not steal it sir I do really have an internship here" I say "that's one strike for stealing and lying" that shut Peter up "ok everyone follow me to the scanner" flash gave me some glares on the way to the scanner "ok everyone you will walk through and F.R.I.D.A.Y will scan you" flash walks through Flash Thompson level one flash turns and gives me a mean glare the rest of the class goes through the scanner me,Ned and mj are to only ones not through Ned enters the scanner "Ned Leeds level 5 welcome back Ned would you like me to tell mr banner you are here" no thanks Friday Ned says MJ is next through the scanner "Michelle Jones level five welcome back ms.Jones would you like me to tell ms Romanoff you are Here?" F.R.I.D.A.Y said "no thanks Friday peter is the last one to go through the scanner

Tony POV

I see Peters class on the camera Peter is the last one to go through the scanner I quickly change Peters last name to Parker to hide his identity

Peters POV

I walked through the scanner

"Peter Parker alpha level 10
Your home early Peter all of the avengers have Been informed beforehand don't worry they said they won't embarrass you to the point you get stressed" Friday said
Everyone's jaw dropped Ned and MJ already know my real name and my level so they were chill the attention is drawn back to the tour guide as we walked to the elevator flash walked up to me and said "hey penis how did you hack Tony starks AI" said flash with pure rage in his eyes "I did not hack it flash" I said in a stern voice flash backed up and went in the elevator when we were all in the elevator we went to the avengers training room once we came to the door Friday's voice spoke up "im sorry ma'am but you are not permitted to" I cut Friday off "Friday override code name underroos" the door opens to revel Natasha,Bucky and Steve training
They stopped and looked at the class "oh hello children we will set aside the introductions because you already know us. Ok so we will have one of you face off against the three of us" said nat "hey Pete how about you show your class not to mess with you" said Bucky "oh uncle Bucky you messed up" I said and walked over to the bench and took off my jacket and shirt showing my upper half. I walked onto the mat and I was given the signal to not hold back I nodded in return.

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