Im sorry

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(This is post endgame Wanda and Peter are already in a relationship Tony lives yay endgame never happened Tony and pepper adopted Peter)

Peter POV

I was in history we just finished a subject I already knew about due to my dad and mom being little teachers over the summer soon we started talking about something that horrified me the infinity war or as the world calls it the blip soon mr lake starts talking "the blip was the biggest historical event in history as it saw the death of 50% of life over the universe the avengers did save us but it came at a cost our very own queens web slinger did get blipped away how we do not know" he said
"I do" I said in my head soon it started.


I was back in titan thanos just snapped I see the guardians of the galaxy get dusted away along with strange soon it's my turn

"mr stark I don't feel so good" I said "your fine" mr stark said back "I-I don't know what's happening mr stark hey i don't want go please mr stark I don't want to go I don't wana go" I say in his arms we both fall down

I'm sorry

End of flashback

I fall off my seat and start to have a panic attack "mr Parker sit back down" mr lake said in a snarky voice
"He can't he's having a panic attack" Ned said defending me "really about what mr Leeds" mr lake said "the infinity war" Ned said soon I start crying "mr stark I don't want to go" I say out loud "Parker get up" mr lake says kicking me in the gut flash follows doing the same I'm being kicked over and over but then I hear the best sounds ever the sound of a suit and magic.

Third POV

Tony and Wanda are siting on the couch discussing wether if adopting Peter is a good idea Wanda is fine with it because she's well his girlfriend after all but the conversation is broken when a beep in there watches goes off they both know how Peter has had a hard time after the infinity war they look at each other signaling with there eyes Tony already had his suit form on himself and I had already used my magic the make my self fly. once we got to Peters school we were hiding and watching from the window was saw peter fall off his chair and start to get flashbacks on what happened on titan soon after we see his teacher start to kick him and his bully joins in soon we see enough and we bust through the window the class is in aww while Ned is trying to stop them from hurting Peter even more than he already is Wanda immediately rushes to Peters aid "WHAT DID YOU DO" Tony screams at the teacher w-we we're talking about the infinity war

Peter POV

I feel arms around me and it's Wanda pulling me in an embrace I feel a little better but I'm still freaking out she looks at me with her green eyes not long after we look at each other she looks at Tony who can't get me to calm down but she knows how she kisses me it's short but sweet and it helps I hug her and Tony hugs both of us


"What did you say" Tony says with a I'm gonna rip you in half glair

"Umm" flash didn't get to finish his sentence because da- I mean Tony shot him with his repulsor but on very low power enough to knock some one out "hey Pete me and pepper were waiting for your birthday but I couldn't wait Peter. me and pepper are going to adopt you you'll become a stark how does that sound" Tony says in a reassuring voice "it sounds good thanks dad" I say

Your welcome


The end

requests open please send me a message on this or on my sabezra oneshot books

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