I want to see more oneshots

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Ok so while I am writing a new oneshot about our favorite ship and Peter being a stark I would like to see what you guys write about I love doing oneshots but I'm the only one that has peter be a stark and have Wanda be his girlfriend I would like to see some more story's like mine so I have a challenge for you guys if you can write some oneshots about Peter being a stark and Wanda being his girlfriend then I will add you read your story and see how it will turn out and if you like writing then please keep writing the oneshot story but I will mention you at the top of my next chapters and I will tell everyone that I follow and everyone that follows me to go read your book and if that's not enough all I want is to see what you guys come up with if you like it and I want to read more spiderwitch story's so yea that's a challenge that if you want you can choose to accept if not then ima be sad so yea


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