The reveal

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It's quiet soon the silence is broken when Bucky attacks me I catch his metal arm like it was a light feather just then uncle Steve throws his shield I catch it like uncle Bucky did when he was the winter soldier and I threw it back at him and he flew to the wall unconscious uncle Bucky tried to punch me again but I flipped him and punched him unconscious then it was me and aunt nat she grabbed her electric batons and she hit me with both electric ran through my body
I yelled in pain i grabbed her leg and pulled until she fell I put her in a leg lock and she tapped out we walked over and woke up the two super soldiers who were still unconscious I put on my shirt and jacket and walked over to my class who was speechless now knowing I can kill them with one punch
Then we left the training room and went to the labs

Wanda POV

I decided to where work out pants a sports bra and black running shoes and I went down the private elevator My plan was to head to the gym and get a little workout time in but i decided to stop by the labs

Peter POV

I was walking through the intern labs when we passed uncle Bruce's lab and he came out "oh hey Ned I need your help with something" he said "ok what is it" as they walked into uncle Bruce's lab and the door shut just then the private elevator door opened and my class looked to see who it was and it was my girlfriend there was bickering among the class.

Third POV

Wanda walks up to the class "hello my name is Wanda or scarlet witch"

Mr Harrington replied "Hello I would like to introduce one of my students his name is flash Thompson" soon flash walks up "hello" he says with pride soon peter hears him flirting with her Peter is now very angry his bully is flirting with his GIRLFRIEND soon Wanda stops him "sorry flash but if your trying to flirt with me it's not working I already have a boyfriend" she says in an annoyed but calm tone "really who" flash says thinking it's a joke
"Him" she points to Peter who looks like he's gonna snap flash like a toothpick flash and the rest of the class laugh up a storm "really him he's your boyfriend" flash says laughing his ass off "yea he is" Wanda says while walking over to him Peter knowing fully what she's about to do he leans back and waits.

Peter POV

Flash and mr Harrington look shocked soon Wanda smashed her lips on mine and wrapped her arms around my neck I instantly responded by snaking my arms around her waist and I slowly spin her around and pin her against the wall soon I turn my head deepening the kiss what was a short kiss turned into a makeout session I broke the kiss and held Wanda's hands in mine and we put our foreheads together soon she slid her hands under my shirt "Wanda not here there are people watching" I said she pulled her hands from under my shirt "I'm gonna stay with you all day" Wanda said "oh I'm completely fine with that" I said soon flash screamed "WHAT THE HELL WHY WAS PENIS KISSING SCARLET WITCH" flash said with pure hatred "because she's my girlfriend you dumb ass dick head if you had a brain then you'll get to god damn hint you brain dead degenerate "

I said back soon mr Harrington stepped in "Mr Parker How dare you lie and threaten a student and also kiss mrs witch even though she would never want to be with you" soon mr Harrington and flash both grab my arms and drag me out Wanda try's to stop them but 3 of flash's goons stop her soon the elevator doors open and all of my family is there both my mom and dad are furious "GET YOUR GOD DAMN HANDS OFF MY SON" dad says with pure hatred "and our nephew" the rest of the avengers said soon uncle Bruce came out of his lab with Ned trying to keep him calm i saw a little green on his neck soon I preyed away and ran to my family and signaled aunt nat to calm her her husband (who is Bucky because Bruce already has Ned to calm him and I like winterwidow)
Soon Wanda drags me away and turns into a random empty room soon she starts a makeout session after five minutes she straddles me and I hold her up by her legs soon we make it out the door and into the elevator that will take us to our room (yes I said there room I want them to share a room because it seems right) after we enter the room I lock the door in an instant and I take off my jacket while Wanda is trying to rip my shirt off with here magic let's say both of them completely forgot about what happened earlier.

Tony POV

I walk out the elevator and scream at the teacher and the one they call flash "M-Mr stark please excuse me I'm escorting This little prick back to the bus" I signal Wanda to take peter and go somewhere private so they could do whatever teenagers do. after their gone I start going on a rant and try not to let pepper kill this dude "ok listen Peter is my son you have no right to-" soon I'm cut off by the teacher "really no he can't be he's a weak little orphan kid who's a charity case for your and your so called wife" I was so filled with rage I couldn't even describe it I was about to scream when pepper beat me to it "YOU PEACE OF SHIT PETER STARK IS MY SON YOU IGNORANT DICKHEAD HES NOT A CHARITY CASE HES OUR BIRTH SON" pepper is furious she's worse than thanos soon she punches the teacher in the face and I talk to this flash kid "ok your turn stop bullying my son or else if I die I'm gonna haunt your ass till the end of time" I said with venom in my voice

(not venom just saying hey if you have venom in your voice then your in pure anger just so you know if you didn't)

Soon the teacher revolted back "you have no right to threaten my student" he said "oh I think I do you have been letting this kid bully my son and you go along with it now I'm gonna ask you once GET THE HELL OUT OF MY TOWER NOW!!!!" all of the students ran out the tower the rest of us went into the elevator and told Friday we wanted to head to the penthouse once we entered and sat down I asked where Peter and Wanda are "boss Peter and Wanda are currently sleeping" F.R.I.D.A.Y said me and pepper walk to the young couples room and open the door enough to peek there heads through peppers heart explodes to see Wanda spooned up against Peter both cuddling we close the door and squeal quietly after we all eat and go to bed all agreeing that was a packed day

The end

Thanks for reading my story and also I will be doing a sabezra oneshot book plus the next story I will be doing is infinity war and endgame did happen but same like this story everyone is alive Wanda is already in a relationship with Peter and she knows that he has panic attacks when the snap is brought up so both she and Tony made a protocol called panic attack protocol that instantly tells Wanda and Tony Peter is scared shit less that will be the next story and the one after that will be an irondad spiderson 5 months after the vulture his class goes to the pool and flash pulls him into the water and let's say he has another panic attack and Tony saves him send requests if you want

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