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Peters POV (Point Of View)

It is a beautiful morning in Stark Tower and it is a Friday and Peter has an amazing plan for his girlfriend, so he wears something shortsleeved and jeans like normal but with a black leather jacket and sun glasses an outfit suggested by his father.

Peter walks out of his room only to find his favorite uncle, Bucky Barnes a.k.a. the winter soldier making pancakes. "Hey Bucky" says Peter
"Oh hey Peter are you ready for school?" Bucky says with excitement . "Yes I am and I have a plan to take Wanda somewhere nice." said Peter cool here's some pancakes Bucky hands him a full plate of pancakes due to his high metabolism after he finishes his food he hops In the elevator to see happy as soon as he gets to the lobby and he leaves the tower he realizes happy is there with Wanda
"Hi Peter" says Wanda "oh hi what are you doing here" Peter says "I'm spending time with my boyfriend before he goes to school" she gives him a kiss on the cheek "be safe ok"says Wanda "I will,see you later" says Peter as he hops in the car and happy drives him to school

Wanda POV

I see my boyfriend leave the tower and I go up to the penthouse to see all of the avengers around to dining table "hey what are you guys doing"says Wanda "Tony got an email saying that Peter will go on a field trip" says Natasha "where?" Says Wanda "here" they all say in unison they all have looks on there faces "lets prove to his school that he works here and lets find his bully"says Tony.

Peter POV
I am in chemistry and as the bell rings the class is stoped mr Harrington "everyone on the bus we will be going on a field trip to STARK INDUSTRIES"
The class cheered Peters heart sank flash looked at him "hey penis ready for your lie to be exposed" says flash. "back off flash it's real" says Peter "yea right like Tony stark would hire you your a weak homeless pathetic peace of sh-" flash was stoped by mj "flash if you had a brain then you would know that Peter has the iq to Match Tony stark and Bruce banner". flash growled at that comment "your friends won't be able to always save your ass Parker" flash snarled and walked away "thanks mj" Peter said "no problem loser see you on the field trip" mj said Peter liked mj as a friend. Peters moment was interrupted when he was called by his teacher "ok Parker I will give you one chance tell me that your internship is a lie and you will not get detention for life". Says his teacher
"It's not fake sir it's very real and I do work with and as Tony stark's personal intern and Ned is Bruce banners personal intern"says Peter "yea and I'm the hulk ok Parker get on the bus if you screw up more than once then you will be in a world of hurt" said Peters teacher
"Ok yes sir I understand" said Peter in a sad voice Peter left his teachers classroom luckily Ned was there he gave him a side hug "it's gonna be ok dude your gonna prove them all wrong" said Ned "I know but I don't want them to figure out my secret because only you and mj know" said Peter "you know that you can call your dad and let him know" said Ned "I think he already knows bro" says Peter and looks towards the nearest camera.

Tony POV

I was bottled with rage and anger then the tension was broken by F.R.I.D.A.Y "boss Wanda has returned from school I suggest you tell he- "Mute" says Tony Wanda enters the penthouse "hey Tony" said Wanda "hey how was school" said Tony "it was good" said Wanda "ok cool Peter should be here in 20 to 25 minutes" said Tony "ok good" Wanda says and smiles knowing fully what she is gonna do both her and Peter have done this multiple times and they are not shy what so ever.

Peters POV

I was on the bus back home to be surprised Ned wasn't going crazy he has been there multiple times met all of the avengers hung out with them and also slept over with them and done many other thing with them flash was being like well flash but this turn he brought his cronies and mj was reading her book giving me reassuring looks on the way to SI when to bus stopped my entire class was in shock Ned and mj were completely chill when we went in let's say that's where thing took turns for the worst and a lot of turns for the best.

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