Meet the rogues

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This is after official avenger and son 1 month has passed
Pepper Tony and Peter are living in the tower

I was sitting in my room reading a book on the scientific achievements of Bruce banner when I heard a sound coming from the kitchen "FRI who is in the kitchen" I said "it is not your uncle or your parents I suggest you investigate it could be an intruder" she said I walked out of my room and down to the kitchen there was no noise or light I turned on the lamp and looked around no one was there I turned it off and went back to my room

Next day

I woke up got a shower combed my hair and put on a white shirt, leather jacket and some jeans I walked out to the kitchen "hey dad did you hear something last night?" I said "yea I did I thought it was you" I said "no I came out to see what it was" I said "oh ok here's some pancakes" he said I was handed a full plate of pancakes after I was done I went down the elevator and hopped into the car after a short drive to school I thought what if the rogues came back it made my blood boil once I arrived at school I said thanks to happy the day went fast flash didn't bother me during chemistry I got a call on my phone "your my dad boggie woggie woggie" the phone rang "Peter answer that" the teacher said I answered the phone "hey dad" I said"hey bud when you get back to the tower don't freak out over who's here" he said "who's at the tower" I said "just come to the tower happy is on his way to pick you up" he said I walked out of the class and out to where happy is waiting he had a nervous expression on his face once I entered the tower and went up the elevator once I got to the penthouse the doors opened

Warning:somewhat vulgar language ahead

Once the doors opened I saw the rogue avengers "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE" I screamed "who the hell are you" nat said "that's not important" I screamed I had a knife up to my throat I headbutt the black widow and grabbed her knife out of her hand and pinned her to the ground I was grabbed by Bucky and I broke his arm like a wood pick "hey kid how about you leave before you get hurt" Steve said "Oh I'm not the one who's gonna get hurt" I said "oh please you don't have any powers"he said "oh Steve I don't need powers to kick your ass I punched him half way across the room then a sea of red was on my hands I looked over to see a girl like my age she was pretty all I did was web her "Peter!" I heard dad say I looked over to see Bruce banner THE BRUCE BANNER I walked over "hi I'm a big fan" I said "yea of the hulk" he said in a sad tone "no I'm actually a fan of you and your work" I said "wow he really is like you Tony" He said "if you want you can call me uncle Bruce" he said again"ok uncle Bruce" I said "oh by the way guys this is Peter he is my son" dad said "so he kicked all of our asses and only shot a web at Wanda I think Peter likes Her" nat said I blushed and so did Wanda "sorry guys it's just my dad told me about civil war and what happened after I forgive everyone but Steve you are going to have to earn my respect" I said he nodded once everyone got settled in there respected rooms I realized that my room was across from Wanda's and she went to midtown I think that this is the beginning of something Beautiful

PART 3 on its way
Requests open

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