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Peter POV

This quarantine thing is not going good not only do I live with the avengers IN ONE BIG ASS TOWER online classes are starting to scare me because I'm in a relationship and I stay in a single room with a girl which is not a bad thing but that's besides the point. today was my first class I logged in and laid down on the bed that Wanda Shared with me she was sitting next to me I had my arm around her and she had her head on my shoulder I entered the zoom and was hesitant to turn on my camera "Peter your camera must be on" the teacher said I turned on my camera and someone screamed
"IS THAT SCARLET WITCH" one of my classmates said "hi" Wanda said I face palmed myself "I'm gonna go out" she said "ok be safe" I said kissing her "wait did Peter just kiss scarlet witch" the classmate said again "yea she's my girlfriend I need to look after her then I heard some one in the vents I looked up and yelled "uncle Clint get out of the vents or I'm gonna get Friday to lock away all of your pranking supplies" I said he dropped from the vents "please don't Peter I wanted to see what your doing" he said "im in a class now leave and also THIS IS THE ROOM THAT ME AND WANDA SLEEP IN SO GET OUT" I said he walked out the door "PETER BENJERMAN STARK" I heard some one scream oh no mom is coming "did your father take you to Berlin to fight your uncles and Wanda" mom said "umm yes" I said "we're having a talk during dinner" she said "yes ma'am" I said Bucky came in "hey uncle Bucky what's up" I said "hey Pete I need you to fix my vibranium arm" he said "what happened" I said "Clint put a dent in it and now I can't move my hand" he said "he hit your main motion gear CLINT DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH VIBRANIUM IT TOOK TO MAKE BUCKYS ARM AND IT TOOK DAYS TO GET IT RIGHT WITH THE HELP OF SURI,DAD,BRUCE AND HARTLY" I screamed(I had to❤️) "hey baby spider" aunt nat said in Russian "hey aunt nat" I said back in the same language "want to prank Clint" she said "sure" I closed my computer and went to hang out with my family

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Another short one but cute

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