Ice skateing

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Peter has finished school early and again a year older than Wanda warning a lot of Peter and Wanda fluff expect for heart to explode with fluffiness p.s while writing this it was 12:23 am I was so filled with fluff I couldn't stop writing I had to force myself to put my phone down and sleep no one said writing was easy especially for a 14 year old about to be 15 goodness word of advice don't write for 2 hours on end because it tires you out even if you know you will lose that love for writing a lot of fluff in one chapter that keeps you going don't do it I am so tired now on to heart explodeing from immense fluffy ness

Peter POV

It was Friday lab day or just to hang out with my family I got up out of bed thankfully not walking up Wanda took a shower got dressed and walked out of the door I made my way to the kitchen I thought everyone was awake but only nat was "hey aunt nat" I said "good morning baby spider" she said I grabbed a pan and some eggs,bacon,sausage and toast I cooked some breakfast and poured some coffee in a mug and some orange juice in a cup I finished the eggs and the rest of the food and I put it on a plater I went to our room and opened the door I put the food down next to Wanda and put a kiss on her head and went to the lab to see dad

Wanda POV

I heard the door close and it woke me up I smelled very good and very hot food I looked over to see a platter of food with some fruit eggs bacon sausage and toast with coffee and orange juice and a note it was from Peter (happy anniversary Wanda decided to cook breakfast in bed because today is the day where you relax I have everything covered) and there was a quote at the bottom (a man cannot outrun his destiny until he fulfills it -Peter Stark) how did I get so lucky he was the perfect boyfriend strong handsome smart sexy I was broken out of my thoughts when Pepper and nat came to the door "girls day" pepper said I got up and finished my food and walked out of the tower

Peter POV

I walked down to the lab and clapped my hands twice all of the lights turned on with a graceful hum and I opened the garage doors one that led to the garage for secret projects and one that led to the room where me and dad make all of our suits one full area for my suits and one area for his the lights flipped on and the suit cases lit up I was amazed how many suits we both had he had 85 and I had 80 I sat down at the massive design table in the middle of the main room both me and had a very high tech keyboard and one screen in the middle that slid down if we need to place something big on our workspace (the screen is a holo but it's not to where Peter can see what Tony's doing it's to where Tony can see his work and Peter can see his unless Tony shares something with him so they can have a chat while working) I'm currently were working on a very special anniversary gift for Wanda I added the switch and the emitter I turned it on and it ignited red while mine was blue I turned them both off and started the design I painted a black overlay and I painted a very good looking red marks that built up to the top where it burst out in multiple directions it was Wanda's magic it started with some cracks at the bottom and built up to a ball of energy and burst it was reactive to when it turned on it glowed bright red I put it with the rest of the quote on quote gift basket well more like a small Christmas most people I was going overboard not for her I would by a entire island for Wanda and name it the mythical rose I told Friday to finish anything else up and left the lab I went to the garage and grabbed my keys I got on my bike and turned it on I put on my helmet and black leather jacket and gloves I rode out of the tower and went to go get some last minute things

Wanda POV

Me,pepper and nat were walking around the mall when I got a text on my phone it was from Peter I told pepper and nat I had to go Peter needs me I walked out of the mall to see a black bike and a very attractive young man on it I got on and wrapped my arms around Peters toned upper half we drove off to the park by the time we got there it was night it was calm cool feeling the wind across my face flowing to my hair I rested my head on the crook of his neck the only Time when we were able to sit and enjoy each other's presents was
To do this when we're on his bike or in bed it was nice I was completely in love with him I knew he loved me with all of his heart once we got their he took me to the ice skating rink I didn't know how to ice skate so Peter said he'll teach me he took me on the ice and I almost fell I slowly got the hang of it he wrapped one of his arm around my waist and the other one around the back of my neck he kissed me I immediately melted into it and put my arms around his neck not realizing there were paparazzi and reporters nearby once we finished ice skating we were on the way back to the bike when we were immediately swarmed with paparazzi and reporters

Peter POV

I was head over heals for this girl my heart and soul went into making her happy and loving every second of the love she gave back we were walking to my bike when we were surrounded with reporters "ms maxamoff who is this" one of them asked "ms maxamoff is he your boyfriend why were you kissing him" another one said we pushed past and made it to my bike I was about to get on when I heard something that pissed me off I thought the ghost rider was gonna come out "sir what is it like dating a mutant freak" one said I turned around "she's not a mutant and she's not a freak she's the best thing to happen to me I love this girl with every fiber with my being I would go to literal hell for her talk about her like that again I Swear I will make your life a literal living hell" I said I walked back to my bike and turned it on we drove back to the tower on the way in we saw a school bus probably another tour group invading my home and gathering more information I parked my bike and turned it off we entered the elevator and went up to the penthouse once the doors opened I tossed the keys to dad "hey dad someone threw a rock at my bike I need you to fix it" I said "WHATS PUNY PENIS PARKER DOING HERE" flash screamed no one responded flash took a step forward stepping on the remote the tv turned on and we were met with the news saying scarlet witch spotted with mysterious boyfriend everyone's jaws dropped well the classes jaws anyway "I can't deal with this I'll be back" I said rubbing my head Wanda rubbed my shoulders calming me down we entered our room I took off my jacket and shirt I tore my gloves off and put them on my nightstand I sat down on the bed Wanda still massaging my muscles sat Down with me I liked when she does this rubbing my tensed muscles "wanna take a shower" she said "sure it'll calm me down" I said I went in to our bathroom and turned on the water we both got in she wrapped her arms around my neck I looked away from her she put her hand on my chin and turned my head to meet her green emerald eyes hers meeting my dark brown ones she put her hands on my cheeks moving them to my neck she moved her thumbs over my cheeks we brought our foreheads together "I love you so much Wanda django maxamoff" (yes her middle name is after her father search it up)I said softly the warm water draping over us "I love you too Peter Benjamin Stark" she said "how did I get so lucky to have you" I said "you know people call me a monster a freak a mutant I just want to know if y-" I cut her off by kissing her I broke off "that's what I think your perfect your my mirror match well without the fake arm" I said "Peter your arm to me I don't feel coldness I feel warmness I feel you only you" she said we hopped out of the shower I got on some sweats and no shirt because Wanda took mine she only wore underwear and my oversized shirt she hopped on my back she turned my head and kissed me we walked to the common room and I made some dinner for us not realizing my former class is still here I decided to answer questions while making food until flash muttered something under his breath "stupid bitch she should have been with me not the worlds worst dickhead" he said under his breath I told Wanda to keep cooking I walked over to flash And grabbed him by the collar of my shirt "listen well flash you are in my house now that means you don't touch anything without Permission you don't invade my or my girlfriends room don't take anything stay where your told if not then I'll let the other guy out and trust my you won't like him" I threatened him with a hint of the rider in my voice "mr Parker this is not your house you don't live here stop lying you cannot threaten a kid" lake said "oh I can my name is Peter stark NOT PARKER AND I CAN THREATEN HIM HES IN MY HOUSE INSULTING MY GIRLFRIEND" the rider screamed I walked back to the kitchen and snapped twice and a astral version of the rider came out "James watch them please" I said "10/4 good buddy" he said fist bumping me "hi James" Wanda said "oh hi Wanda" James said "how's it been not being let out of peter for a while" she said "honestly it's been amazing I don't even want to take control I think the relationship that me and Peter have is so strong he trusts me and we're the first ghost rider to have a very strong relationship and the only one to actually talk" James said we finished food and took it to our room we ate there while catching up with James after a bit he had to go back or his astral body would fade away me and Peter just laid in bed looking at each other he pulled me close and I straddled I'm he put his hands under me I kept kissing him no matter how many times we kissed we always felt the spark and it never felt better he broke off and stood up still around him I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arms around my back he carried me to the elevator and to the lab he opened a door "happy anniversary Wanda" he said I turned around to see a pile of gifts a new suit nanotech from the looks of it a new jacket gloves a lightsaber and he held out a box I opened it my face lit up "YOU GOT TICKETS TO HAMILTON" I screamed he tapped a button and two dresses one went all the way down and had a split down the side for open leg movement and draped behind me and another one had the same but it looked like it had Ruby's in it I chose the first one "happy anniversary peter sorry it didn't get you anything" I said "oh you did get me something" he said "what?" I said "you your all I need your my present" he said "oh peter" I said tears going down my eyes

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