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First off I want to say thank you for all the loving support I know I'm not a famous writer but I like doing this to make people happy and it's ok to add comments on my story's I like replying to people now to the good stuff

(Endgame never happened Wanda broke up with vision literally and figuratively and she started a relationship with Peter and he is 2 months older than Wanda(

Peter POV

I was in chemistry class not listening to anything because I knew everything and I got in a little late from patrol last night as the bell rang and we were leaving mr Harrington stopped us "before you go I have an announcement due to our reputation and the wining at the decathlon we were invited to have a pool party but not just any pool party a party at..... AVENGERS TOWER" he said with excitement in his voice the class cheered I banged my head on the table we went up to get slips but I did not get one "Umm mister Harrington I did not get one" I said "Peter if you keep telling your lie then you will not go to the party please tell me it's a lie" he said "I'm sorry sir but my parents told me not to lie" I said smirking because it's not really a lie and that's the story I was supposed to say because my parents did not want to release me to the public yet "I'm sorry to Peter but you cannot go" he said saddened "ok" I said with no sadness in my voice and I walked out of class to see happy waiting for me we both walk out to the car and hop in

"Pete I heard what you said you did a good job keeping yourself hidden and it's ok if you can't go because you live where they are going and of course you father isn't gonna let you stay inside all day" he says "ok cool I've been waiting for a perfect sunny day in New York"

I say the rest of the ride is silent as we pull up to the tower i thank happy for the ride and walk in I enter the private elevator and tell Friday to take me up to the top floor I enter the penthouse and immediately I'm tackled to the ground and getting purged with little kisses soon I get up And give a little kiss on Wanda's forehead and we both walk to the kitchen to talk about the pool party tomorrow and soon after we finish what we're talking about and my mom and dad enter the room "ok Pete we know about what's happening tomorrow and your gonna stay home because there's no point of going to school if your gonna come straight home after and we need your help setting up and I know we're all strong but we need all hands on deck" dad says "ok I'm completely fine with that I've been waiting for a perfect day for a pool party" I say "good and your father may twist and rules and change somethings" mom says "ok Pete let's get dinner ready" Bucky and Steve say in unison (during dinner)

My crazy yet loving family is enjoying dinner when the party is brought up and flash is mentioned

"Pete remember when we made a rule about no secrets" aunt nat said "yea" I said "we know about flash and we won't kill him but we will talk with him and make sure he doesn't hurt you again" Wanda says "thanks" I say after dinner me and Wanda head to our room and sleep peacefully always enjoying each other's presents

Wanda POV

I wake up to a sleeping shirtless certain spider that I'm spooned up against I turn and face him his eyes flutter open "good morning little spider" I say "good morning my red rose" Peter says kissing me "mmh someone's happy" I say "I'm always happy around you" he says getting up he puts a shirt on I pout "oh come on you'll see my chest later today" he says I get up out of our bed and put some sweat pants on because he gave me his shirt last night "Pete I like your shirt but your my shirt some times" I say "I know and I'm not complaining" (not in that way you Perverted people)

he says we both walk out of our room see Bucky cooking some breakfast but he's struggling a little bit "hey Bucky need some help" I say "please" he says not long after the three of us are making breakfast the rest of the team come out and serve themselves to the mouthwatering meal Peter got himself,me,Tony,pepper and nat some coffee after we are all done it's time to set up for the party

Peter POV
Me, uncle Steve and Bucky are trying to push this speaker without throwing it off the roof soon after I help with decorations and some drinks after everything is setup me and Wanda go out and look for some swim suits once we get back to the tower I see Peters class we speed past them and head to the private elevator after we get out we instantly alert the team. me and Wanda change into our swim suits once we get up to the roof the team is there waiting for the class to arrive once the elevator doors open the class steps out "MR PARKER WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" mr Harrington says "relax teach I invited him" dad says putting a hand on my shoulder after the party starts I sit by the water still excited but a little scared because what happened with the vulture soon I hear something no man wants to hear flash is flirting with MY GIRLFRIEND uncle Bucky puts his metal hand on my shoulder "hey bud you ok" he say "no I'm not" i say "what's wrong" he says "look at who's talking with Wanda" I say "look Pete he may be you bully but" I cut him off "he's flirting with Wanda uncle Bucky" I said "ok I'll handle this" he says

Wanda POV

Peters bully won't stop flirting with me I try telling him I have a boyfriend but he won't listen "hey kid what are you doing" Bucky says "I-umm" flash stutters "you know she has a boyfriend right" Bucky says coldly "w-w-who" he says terrified "Peter come here" I say to Peter "hey babe" he says kissing me peter sits down and I sit on his lap "he is my boyfriend" I say I kiss Peter but this is longer like A LOT LONGER. "Your joking how is penis your boyfriend" flash says

Peter POV
"Your joking how is penis your boyfriend" flash says "Pete can you take your shirt off" Wanda says "Wanda not here" I say "Babe remember this morning when you promised to keep your shirt off to have fun" Wanda said I took off my shirt "there happy" I say "very" she says kissing me again "penis SLEPT WITH SCARLET WITCH" flash says "umm yea we always sleep together" Wanda said flash jumped into the to pool probably to think this is a bad dream "hey uncle Bucky where's dad" I said "he wants to make a dramatic entrance I walked to sit by the pool then i was pulled into the pool then I start to go back to when I was thrown into the lake

Wanda POV

I saw flash pull Peter into the water and he's laughing his ass off "what did you do!!" I said "oh please he will come back up any second now" he says after he doesn't come back up flash dives under and sees Peter but he's to Far down I try but same thing happens I can't reach him after I come back up I see a red and gold suit dive into the water and pulls Peter out and lays him down I run over "he's not breathing ok mouth to mouth pinch his nose open his mouth when I say breath after three breaths repeat" Tony says and starts to do cpr "123 go" he says I breath "come on Peter breath you  breath goddamit" Tony says on the verge of tears not long after Peter spits out the water and wakes up "WHO PULLED HIM IN" Tony says with only cold hearted steel "I did sir I'm sorry I thought" Tony cut flash off "do that again your dead party's over go home" Tony says "mr stark Peter needs to go home" the teacher says "he is home me and pepper are his parents Wanda is his girlfriend you cannot tell anyone about this" Tony says "yes mr stark" he says running off well today was eventful.

Requests open please I need ideas remember no smut

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