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Peter POV

The bell rings in history and mr lake is about to let us go but he has an announcement "ok class you have a secret field trip I will give you slips for you to sign Parker you will not be going class dismissed" he says I walk out of school luckily I avoided flash and walked to the car happy is in "hey happy" I said "hey Peter you ok" happy said "yea I'm fine happy thanks for asking" I said "no problem" he said we made it to the tower and I thanked happy for the ride I entered the tower and saw mom and dad entering the elevator "hey Pete you and I are going to the park tomorrow Sense you can't go on the trip we can do some father and son bonding" dad said after homecoming may kicked me out but Tony and pepper adopted me now I'm a stark "sure wait I'm not going to school tomorrow" I said "yea where ever your class is going there gonna be there for half the day" dad said "Friday penthouse please" I said yes once we got to the penthouse I wanted to scare Wanda but she wasn't there "Friday where's Wanda" I said "BEHIND YOU" Wanda said jumping on top of me "AHHHHH" I screamed and ran to our room "Peter I'm sorry for scaring you please open the door and i will apologize" Wanda said I opened the door and immediately she kissed me "you are forgiven" I said

(Next day)

I woke up slowly because Wanda was pretty much not only laying on me but also keeps  pulling me back in our bed "Wanda I need to get up" I said "mmm no your staying here with me" she said "ok have it you way" I said I get on top of her and web her hands to the bed post and put my hands on the sides of her torso "Peter benjerman stark don't do it I'm warning you" she said "oooh you only use my full name when I'm in trouble" I said and start tickling her "NOOOO PETER STOPPPPP PLEASE IM SORRYYY JUST STOPPPP"she said laughing I stop tickling her and take her hands off the bed post we both get dressed and walk out the door I grab some breakfast and tell Wanda I'm going out for a little patrol I swing out to a kinda chilly day in New York "GOOD MORNING NEW YORK" I screamed I hear multiple people cheering at me I finish patrol and swing back to the tower "hey Pete when you get back to the tower pepper wants to help with the picnic tomorrow" dad said from a video call "dad I'm already here" I said "where I don't see you?" He said I knocked on the window "HI DAD" I said he jerks back and opens the window I rush up to my and Wanda's shared room to take a shower and put on some fresh clothes I grab some Louie vuitton shoes a black leather jacket a science pun shirt and some jeans I also grab my wallet,phone and Rolex watch I don't know why dad wanted to get me all of this not that I don't like it it's just I feel spoiled and like a brat because everything is getting handed to me I wanted
To work hard for these items I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen "hey Pete can you help me with this" she said trying to grab everything for picnic day "yea sure" I said helping her take stuff to the garage "hey dad what car are we taking" I said "let's take the Tesla" dad says we load all the stuff in the back and start the drive to Central Park once we get there we get out of the car and start taking everything to a nice spot we set everything down and start to eat after we're done I take out a football "hey dad one on one?" I said "oh peter sweet little Peter never mess with the master" he said "oh your on old man" I said "old I'm not old I'm fashionable" he said I throw the football and we start playing after five minutes I am tired "I'm gonna get some water and call Wanda" I said "ok hurry back because we're leaving soon" mom said "yes ma'am" I said I walk over to a private area but not far from the spot where we were "hey Karen call Wanda" I said to my sunglasses "calling Wanda maxamoff" she said in a very happy tone "hey Pete" she said "hey we're coming back in a bit and it's cuddle time in an hour" I said when I first met Wanda she was a very closed off girl and I had to gain her trust once we started talking I learned she had gone through the same hell I went through and well the rest is history "ok I'll get the stuff ready" she said "ok see you in a while I love you" I said "ok see you later I love you to" she said as soon as I finished my call i heard a voice I hated "PARKER?" flash said "umm hey guys" I said "WAS THAT SCARLET WITCH YOU WERE TALKING TO THROUGH YOU GLASSES" flash said in shock "umm no" I said "why did you say I love you and cuddle time" a student said "I-I umm" I stuttered "mr Parker your not supposed to be here" mr lake said "I'm not here for school" I said "oh really who are you with your fake parents" he said "Peter you ok" mom and dad said in unison my class stared in shock as Tony and pepper walked over I started to panic because I was scared

"oh my god it's Tony stark" flash said (if you got that reference put it in comments)

"Your flash Peters bully" he said "umm no we're friends" flash said pulling me into a side hug I pushed away "you bullied me until I was even in high school the only reasons your trying to act cool is because my parents are here" I said "oh please you wish pepper Potts and Tony stark were your parents your just a kid In a orphan house crying for mommy and daddy it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic....
Oh what the hell I'll laugh anyway" flash said before laughing just then dad grabbed him by his collar and pinned him up against a tree "listen here you brain dead degenerate you talk about my son like that again expect yourself to be in a grave and suffocating for air trying to call for help but guess what no one is going to save you you will die a slow death and I will watch every living second of it" dad whispered "y-y-y-yes sir I promise it will never happen again to anyone" flash said "good I'm gonna let you go and we can part ways" dad said he put flash down "ok Pete let's go get everything in the car and we can head back to the tower we can eat you can take a shower and we can have movie night and cuddle with Wanda" mom says "yes ma'am" I said "wait Parker is your son AND HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND WHO HAPPENS TO BE SCARLET WITCH" one of my classmate says "yes and you will tell no one" I said we got back to the tower made some spaghetti and meatballs I took a shower with Wanda joining me (no they did not do anything in there they may be teenagers but they show restraint and they don't look down there) we all sat by the fire place and turned on mission impossible:fallout when the movie ended me and Wanda went to bed and had a peaceful night.

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