The date and the ex

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PART 3 of official avenger and son and meet the rogues

It's been 3 months Peter and Wanda have gotten close but what happens when Liz returns will Peter stay with Wanda or will he go back to Liz and leave Wanda to be alone

Peter POV

I was sitting in my room when I got a call "hello?" I said "Peter dude where are you!" Ned said "I'm getting ready for school why?" I said "I'll tell you when you get here but promise not to freak out because I know you and Wanda are close and umm" Ned stuttered "Ned me and Wanda may have a very close relationship but we're not a couple" I said "yet" he said "dude" I said "your family are saying spiderwitch as your ship name so Is mj and I" Ned said "see you at school" I said and hung up.

Time skip

I got out of the car and thanked happy I walked into the school I saw Ned and we did our handshake then I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around to see Liz "hi Liz" I said "hey Peter" she said "why are you here" I said "well I came back for you" she said "oh well umm ok I'll see you later" I said and walked away I saw Wanda I went to meet up with her I talked about my ex and she frowned I think she wants to be with me after school I'm gonna ask her out on a date I really am in love with Wanda maxamoff

Time skip to end of school and at the tower

I went to my room and contemplated my choices do I get back together with Liz or start a relationship with Wanda I went to Bucky for help "Umm uncle Bucky I need some help"  I said "what's wrong Pete" he said sitting on the couch "well my ex her name is Liz umm she came back to New York today and she wants me and her to get back together" I said "but you love Wanda don't you" he said "I couldn't deny it with all of the time we spend together and how we feel about each other" i said "then go tell her how you feel" he said I got up and walked to Wanda's room and knocked on the door "hey what's up" she said I couldn't get the words to form just then I kissed her and she pulled me into her room after a couple minutes we pulled away "I guess that I dont need to ask you out" I said she giggled "go get ready lover boy I'll be waiting" she said before pushing me out of her room I stood there before I came back to reality "MOM,DAD,BUCKY,NAT I NEED DATING ADVICE AND HELP" I screamed running down the hall waving my arms after a couple minutes I was in a suit and tie both me and Wanda had microphones and cameras just to make sure were ok I left the tower and walked down the street to where Wanda was she looked so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her we walked into the restaurant after a couple minutes we saw Liz and flash? They walked over to us "hey Parker" flash said "what" I said "who is your date" Liz said in a annoyed voice "I am his date"Wanda said "oh my god your scarlet witch" Liz said "yea I am and I don't like you hurting my boyfriend so please leave" she said her eyes glowing red "Wanda let it go there not worth hurting" I said standing up and grabbing her hand we walked out of the restaurant and called happy to pick us up once we got in the car happy asked how it was i gave him a look that said it didn't he drove back to the tower once we got in I said thanks to happy and we went up to our room I closed the door once we got in Wanda walked to me to apologize I walked to her and kissed her she wrapped her legs around my waist I set her down on the bed and stopped kissing her I went back to my room and grabbed some clothes Wanda asked if she could sleep in my shirt I gave it to her leaving me shirtless we both fell asleep wondering what flash and Liz were thinking then I looked a Wanda she was amazing I was never gonna leave her again "you know I can read your mind" she said telepathy "go to bed we can continue our escapades tomorrow"I said

Requests open and end of this three part story

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