Official member and son 

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This is after the events of spider man homecoming I'm gonna switch when may found out peter was spider man and when happy took Peter to the compound this is what I wanted at the end of homecoming and also endgame and infinity war never happen yay

Peter POV

I just came back from patrol I may not have the suit that mr stark gave me but I'm not letting that stop me I swung into my room and took off my mask "PETER?" May said "umm hi may" I said "y-your spider man do you know how many people you have killed" she said "how have I killed people may YOU RAISED ME TO BE A GOOD PERSON THIS IS HOW I DO IT BY SAVING PEOPLE" i screamed "get out" she said "what" I said "get your stuff and get out" she said again I started to pack my stuff into my bag and leave the apartment "oh before you go I never loved you you are officially disowned and you will never come back to this place you little brat" she said I didn't respond I went to school and attended the decathlon meeting I got a text on my phone a couple minutes in I went into the bathroom and happy was there "umm hey happy" I said "boss wants to see you" he said in a happy voice "why" I said "no clue said he wanted to talk" happy said "ok let's go" I said after a long hour drive we made it to the massive compound "so this is where Tony moved everything to or tried to" I said "no we actually got everything from the plane thanks to you" happy said we walked into the compound "hey Pete I heard about may" Tony said "it's ok mr stark" I said "stop with the mr stark it makes me feel old" he said "well why do you think I do it" I said "you wound me kid" he said "so why am I here" I said "well I thought how you took down the vulture without any help or tech I thought that it's time to introduce you to the team" Tony said "the team" I said "yea I think it's time to introduce the world to the newest avenger spider man" he said just then a door opened up and I saw an amazing suit

I just came back from patrol I may not have the suit that mr stark gave me but I'm not letting that stop me I swung into my room and took off my mask "PETER?" May said "umm hi may" I said "y-your spider man do you know how many people you have kil...

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"And there's something else" he said he Held out a paper that already had a signature "is this" I said "yep" he said "then that means" I said again "yea" he said "Peter Parker would you like to be the son of pepper Potts and Tony stark" he said I hugged him "of course" I said a door opened and pepper came out I'm guessing she saw me hugging Tony and signing the adoption form "hey mom" I said her face lit up "it's time" she said "try it on" Tony said I put on the suit and walked out to become an official member of the avengers after the press conference I was shown to my room it was next to someone called vision he kept going through the walls but he was nice and very smart I thought there would be more avengers here because there are different rooms each look like they have special accommodations after I was done walking around I went to go talk with my parents "hey dad why are there so many different rooms" I said "those are the rooms for the old avengers" he said "what happened" I said he told me everything that led up to him coming to see me and everything after how Captain America almost killed him if I ever met team cap I will hurt them as much as they hurt him just then uncle rhodey came in "hey uncle rhodey" I said "hey Pete" he said after dinner and a movie with ice cream I went to bed the thought still lingers in my mind I can't meet team cap so soon.

But that day will come faster than expected

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