Chapter Eight

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Maeve and I stumble out of the car, laughing too hard to get our bearings. We were remembering the time Ronnie got so shit-faced wasted before we went bowling that when she went up for her first turn she slipped, landing so hard on her face she bounced, got a bloody nose, and accidentally threw the bowling ball into the lane two over from ours.

It was the one thing in all my life that I wanted on video. I was so desperate that when we were getting kicked out I asked the manager for the security video footage. He was so appalled he slammed the front door in my face.

"I can't believe you had the audacity to ask him for the footage." Maeve makes her way over to me as I sling my bag over my shoulder.

"How could I not? It was the funniest thing I've ever seen."

We start walking over toward the club soccer fields where I can see a group of about eight guys passing a couple of balls around.

It's currently 6:24 because I know every time I play pick up with guys they always start at least thirty minutes later than they say.

When we get close enough to the fields I can make out Mason juggling a ball at his feet. He looks up at the same moment and a charming smile spreads across his face as he sees me. He waves and starts making his way over.

"Good timing, we were just about to start," he says as he walks up.

I shoot Maeve a look who gave me a hard time about leaving so late when Mason had said six and she gives me a sheepish look back.

"Which team are we on?" I turn my attention back to Mason as I reach up to tighten my ponytail. I watch Mason's eyes follow my movement.

"Well, we're doing shirts versus skins so you both can be on shirts if you want–"

"I can be on skins and just play in my sports bra. It's no biggie," I cut in, already stripping off my shirt. In this heat, I'm grateful to be able to take it off and this way I'll be playing against the guys in shirts which is such a perk. Every time I play against skins and I brush up against one of them I end up covered in their sweat that I literally have to wipe off.

Maeve and Mason wear matching shocked looks on their faces and I realize they might not be used to this. I didn't even second guess ripping my shirt off because I'm so used to playing shirts versus skins with the guys I play pick up with at home.

I just end up flashing them a grin and then plopping down onto the ground to put on my cleats.

"Oh, I totally forgot. Maeve this is Mason. Mason meet Maeve," I wave my hand lazily in the air above my head.

"Nice to meet you," Mason says, giving a slight chuckle in my direction.

"Likewise," Maeve replies, giving Mason a look that says 'classic Rena.' Mason's chuckle turns into a full laugh at that.

We finish getting ready and Mason introduces Maeve and me to all the other players. I immediately recognize Caleb and Sebastian from Mason's party last night. Wow, was Mason's party just last night? It already feels like a lifetime ago.

Since there are only ten of us, the guys move the full-sized goals closer together to make a smaller field.

We start playing and I get lost in the game, lost in the feel of playing. It's been too long since I've last played and at once I remember how much I truly love the game. It's been a part of me for so long now that I feel lost without it. It feels so good to use these muscles again, to feel the strain and the quick beat of my heart as I touch the ball. There's something about it that just makes me feel at peace and it's the only thing capable of completely clearing my mind.

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