Chapter Thirteen

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By the time it's mid-October I still haven't spoken or even seen Josh. He sits on the completely opposite side of both lecture halls from me. It's like we're not even in the same classes anymore.

It works in my favor though because it makes him easier to forget.

Mason has also been making Josh easier and easier to forget. We spend most of our time together now, finding solace in each other's company.

"Can you grab the parmesan from the fridge please?" I ask Mason as I balance the heavy pot almost overflowing with noodles in one hand and a plate of chicken in the other.

We're in my apartment making fettuccine alfredo for Kelly, Ronnie, Maeve, Caleb, and Sebastian. We've been intermingling groups way more often now since Ronnie and Caleb are officially dating and Mason and I are so close.

Ronnie likes to keep making comments about Mason and I dating and every time Mason blushes and I fidget, hating her for making it awkward.

I don't know exactly how Mason feels towards me. Sometimes it seems like we're strictly friends and other times when we're bantering I get strong vibes from him that he wants to be more. It's something I haven't been thinking about much though since both of us are trying to get over someone else.

I'm starting to think more and more about it though and I realize it's because I'm slowly getting over Josh. Sometimes I don't know how I feel about it, and other times I'm pissed and telling myself I should've gotten over him from day one. But I finally feel like I'm at the point where I can look for someone else.

Mason sets the parmesan down on the counter in front of me as I start mixing the sauce and chicken in with the noodles.

"That smells so good, Re," Mason tells me, sticking his head over my shoulder to look at what I'm doing.

I can feel his body right behind, his heat seeping into me. I'm tempted to lean back into his warmth, but chicken out. I'm still not sure he's over Jessica. We had a deep heart to heart about it a week ago with Mason saying he's no longer thinking about her much, but I'm not sure if I believe him. He seemed sure and confident, but I'm worried he's just being extra strong to show me I can get over Josh.

"Thanks. It's my mother's recipe. She's been making this for me ever since I was little. It's the ultimate comfort food." I finish mixing it all together and reach over to start putting the pasta in everyone's bowls. I made triple the amount on her recipe because I know how much Mason, Caleb, and Sebastian eat.

"Now I know what to get you when you're feeling down," he says, still right behind me. His breath tickles my neck and collar bone, bringing chills along my skin.

I've found that Mason has been doing stuff like this more and more, just getting a little too close. Maybe he does want to be more with me, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. If Josh taught me anything it's that.

"This is what you should get me all the time anyway," I reply, turning my head slightly to get a look at him.

He smiles down at me. "Duly noted."

"You seem to be in an exceedingly good mood today," I comment. I finish two bowls and hand him one. He immediately grabs a fork off the table and takes a bite, moaning around the fork still in his mouth.

The sound is sexy and inviting.

He pulls the fork out of his mouth. "That's because I have you cooking for me. It's a rare occasion that I'm trying to treasure. This is exceptional by the way." He points down at the bowl in his hands.

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