Chapter Twenty-Six

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There are very few times in life when you feel truly content. Very few times when all your anxieties aren't in the forefront of your mind plaguing you every second of every day.

This is one of those few times where I truly feel at peace.

Walking out of Mason's apartment and down the stairs, my breath comes easier, smoother. My shoulders relax and I can't stop thinking about how lucky I am. I can't stop thinking about how amazing Mason just was, how he let me go. It's because of him I feel this free.

Free to be with Josh.

Free to live my life.

I can't help but think this is how it should be, that people should always want what's best for the people they care about even if they get hurt in the process. I feel like that's the true definition of unconditional love.

I knew having this conversation with Mason was going to make me feel better, make me feel like I did the right thing by telling him, but I had no idea it would feel this liberating.

I start running down the rest of the stairs when I see Ronnie pacing in front of her car waiting for me.

What an amazing friend.

As soon as she notices me and sees my blinding smile she gapes.

"It went well?" she asks, her eyebrows jutting upwards.

I tackle her into a massive hug, one she isn't ready for and we end up falling onto the sidewalk in a tangle of limbs and squeals.

"It went so well, Ronnie." Tears start falling down my face I didn't even realize I needed to spill. But they're tears of happiness. "Mason is one of the most incredible people I'll probably ever meet."

Ronnie sits up and pulls me with her. She pulls down the long sleeve of her shirt over her hands and starts wiping at my tears. "I know," she replies with a soft smile on her face.

"He handled it so well. One day I will strive for that maturity level." I let out a sound that's half a huff and half a sob. "Wow, I'm a mess."

"I'm so glad it went well. You needed this far more than you knew. And I think he probably needed some more closure as well."

I nod my head in agreement as I sniffle. "I feel so relieved Ronnie."

"I do too." She wraps her arms around me and we hug there on the ground right outside Mason's apartment building and I wouldn't have it any other way.

After Ronnie and I finally make it off the sidewalk and manage to get back into her car, we drive to get some celebratory ice cream.

"Okay so I want the rest of tonight to be a girl's night, but I do want to stop by Josh's and tell him the good news," I tell Ronnie from the passenger's seat of her car. I shovel a spoonful of my dulce de leche ice cream into my mouth. "Mhm, why is ice cream so good?"

Ronnie scowls. "Well, I would be saying the same thing but I haven't had any of mine yet. Stop eating yours and feed me."

I laugh at her demanding tone. "Alright, alright."

"And totally understand you wanting to tell Josh. Just make it a quickie." She winks at me and opens her mouth as I gently feed her.

"I'm all over it." I give her a smirk and we laugh together as Ronnie pulls into the parking lot of our apartment complex.

We get out of the car and I hand all the ice cream over to her. "Do me a favor and put mine in the freezer please?"

"Yeah, yeah." She waves me off. "Now, go have fun with your boyfriend." Ronnie's face lights up with a teasing grin.

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