xxviii. you were the one to save me?

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"oh, bloody hell."

zemora black resided within the library searching for books to correlate with her paper due to severus snape. the book of animagus rested in her hand, the scribbled names of padfoot, prongs, and wormtail visible upon the last page.

"they became animagus?" zemora spoke her thoughts below a whisper to herself, her eyebrows furrowed due to the contortion of her features. "but why?"

zemora let her mind wonder to the marauders map gifted to her multiple times within the year prior. the nicknames for the marauders made absolutely no sense her second year, yet reading the book of animagus quickly forced the gears in her mind to rotate in overdrive.

in the yearbook of 1978, someone had scribbled the marauders below a photo of the four gryffindor pranksters. now studying the handwriting of padfoot, zemora realized who'd taken the time to do so.

in mere moments, zemora black recognized just how sirius black had managed to escape without so much of a trace.

"oh, god." zemora slammed the book shut before adding it to the rest of her pile. "please, tell me i'm wrong."

since zemora was a child, speaking to herself had became a regular act. without draco malfoy or their freed elf around the malfoy manor, zemora was utterly alone which led her to becoming accustomed to her own lonesome presence.

the slytherin witch shuffled through the library books in a rush, searching desperately for a book of werewolves to prove her intuition either right or wrong.

yet seconds before she could grasp the correct book she'd need, hermione granger and the weasley twins were rushing into the library with her face in mind.

"we've been looking everywhere for you!"

zemora rolled her eyes playfully before finally pulling the book from the shelf to add to the numerous others simply growing in number the longer she remained within the library.

"are you coming to the game?" hermione made her way towards the table holding zemora's books with a curious expression. she picked up one to study the cover before turning her eye to the slytherin witch once more. "you have to, zemora. it'll be fun."

"sit with hermione." george's infamous smirk found it's way to his lips before motioning towards the book in hermione's hand. "the books will be here when you get back."

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