xxiii. feels nice to be back with friends

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"i love you both more than you'll ever know."

"we love you, mother."

narcissa's hands were on the sides of draco and zemora's faces, her gaze lingering upon her niece with her eyes gleaming an emotion unknown to the young girl.

"promise you'll write home," narcissa finally detached her hands from the children's features, returning to her position next to her husband's side. "the both of you."

draco and zemora nodded ever so slightly before turning on their heel to join their peers within the hogwarts express. at least, until lucius malfoy's cane was pressing itself against zemora's chest with more force than was necessary, halting any move the girl could make.

"behave yourself."

"i will." zemora spoke loudly enough for the man to hear before draco was grasping her hand, rushing away from his parents sight once through the door of the train.

"sit with me."

zemora glanced through the walk way leading to every compartment inside, easily catching the gaze of the boy who lived. his lips moved ever so slightly, and whatever he'd uttered forced hermione and ron to find her eye within the litter of their peers surrounding their frames.

"mora, please." draco's line of sight found the smiling gestures the golden trio were sending his cousin's way. "come on."

"i can't." zemora finally turned to meet draco's gaze, yet was quickly glancing to her fingers that fumbled with the sleeves hiding her bruises. "every time i look at you, all i see is him, dre."

"but i'm not him."

"i know," zemora's hand was grasping his own in with a gentle touch. "i'm sorry."

"i'd never hurt you, mora, you have to know that." draco's tone fell below a whisper as he desperately attempted to refrain his words from being heard from another. "please, just sit with me. you're my best friend."

"no," zemora's head was shaking relentlessly before she was pulling her hand from his. "dre, i can't."

a scoff laced with disbelief was heard from the slytherin boy as his gaze found harry's through the now near empty hall. there was a glare upon draco's features harry had grown accustomed to receiving.

"have something to say, potter?"

"draco, just go!" zemora's voice broke through the air, forcing the boys to turn their attention to her exhausted expression.

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