xix. i'll make this right

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"do you know where hermione is?"

fred weasley had a ghost of a smile upon his lips as his gaze retracted from his brother and into the utterly distressed slytherin girl inches away. "no one has told you?"

"told me what?" zemora could feel the piercing gaze of the twins studying her distraught features, yet didn't care much for the way she looked due to the feelings weighing on her chest. "what happened?"

"hermione was petrified."

the breath slowly, but surely, escaped the lungs of the young girl. zemora backed away from the weasley twins, the lively gleam in her seeming extinguished completely. neither could utter a word before zemora was rushing down the halls of hogwarts in search for the girl she considered her best friend.

the confession to the evil she'd committed had been sitting upon the tip of her tongue awaiting to tell hermione granger of everything within the chambers of secrets. the revelation of her father, however, had been pushed so far into the back of her mind, for any moment pondered on the fact sent the girl into an overwhelming sense of utter heartache.

zemora was sure she'd never pluck up the courage to speak a word of her mother's letter, much less the identity of her true father. a piece of the child knew, however, the day would inevitably come. zemora knew if everyone didn't hate her for her acts within the chamber, they would in face of the truth behind her conception years beforehand.

once zemora reached the hospital wing, it was as if her heart had dropped to the pit of her stomach.

hermione laid frozen in place, eyes widened due to the fear she'd been struck with seconds before being petrified by the monster within the walls of the castle. zemora found her way to the granger girl's bedside, occupying the edge of the mattress as the tears brimmed her eyes once again.

"i'm so sorry."

zemora attempted to will away the tears escaping silently, yet failed miserably as she studied her friend and pondered on the reactions she'd receive once everything was over and done with.

zemora's eyes closed subconsciously, her hand coming to wipe the tears from her cheeks before she was grasping hermione's cold, petrified hand in her own.

"wha—" zemora successfully pulled the crumpled paper from hermione's hold, unraveling to find a page about the basilisk within the chamber of secrets. "always so bloody brilliant, 'mione."

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