chappy 12

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Sam's P.O.V

I got out of the shower and looked into the mirror to look at my eyes again. I screamed again. Sasuke burst into the bathroom.

"What?"He asked, panting, then he saw me and gasped. My hair was blonde and my eyes were still gray.

"seriously sasuke, now is not the time for payback."

"This isn't payback, this is really happenning.  What's going on?" he narrowed his eyes. He really wanted an answer... so i explained to him about everything, from my daydream to it actually happenning.

"Well fuck." He said after i finished. "My girlfriend's gonna be a vampire." I frowned, he didn't seem too happy about having a vampire girlfriend. I left the room, and the house, then searched for my uncle's house. I didn't know why, i think it's because i believe that he can fix anything.

I found his house, and went to walk into his house, but i couldn't go through the door, i kept banging into it. Finally kakashi opened the door.

"Uh... may i help you..?" He asked. I sweatdropped.

"Kakashi, it's me samuel!!" I said, waving my arms up and down frantically. It took him awhile to realize it was me.

"What. the. fuck. happened?" he questioned.

"That random snake dude!" I shouted.

"Samuel! shut the fuck up!" he snapped.

"Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"That guy is an s ranked criminal!" he replied.

"And he's in the middle of turning me into a vampire!" i said, JUST below a yell.

"SHHHH!!!" Kakashi grabbed me and hauled me in his house, then closed the door.

"No one can know about the orochimaru."

"But my classmates saw it, and i told sasuke everything."

"Well, shit." He muttered.


"How much does sasuke know?" He asked.

"He... he knows about the treasure," I replied, and suddenly found the floor interesting.

"Samuel Yuki Treasure!" He snapped. I gulped. "You're not supposed to tell anyone about that!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay?" I yelled, and ran out of his house. I realized i was crying, and ANBU were chasing after me. I made it to sasuke's house and got inside, then locked the door.

"Sasuke!" I yelled. He shot downstairs.

''Are you okay?" He asked.

The door flung open and the ANBU grabbed me.

"Hey duckbutt, i like your hair!" I yelled, before they pulled out of my house, towards the hokage's office.


DUN DUN DUN!!!! Just to let you know, someone heard samuel talking with kakashi outside and told the hokage who told the ANBU who went after sam.

What do YOU think is gonna happen next? I want at least one answer before i continue! I am such an ass >:D

hey duckbutt, i like your hair. (sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now