chapter 1

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Let's fucking do this.' I thought to myself as I stepped through the doors of the ninja academy place thingy of Konoha... Literally. You see, I could walk through things.... Well MOST of the time. sometimes my powers didn't wanna work. Which could leave me in a very pissy mood.
I walked and walked. Might as well call me Sam Walker, brother of Allen Walker! Why does this school have to be so big?
"I'm lost..." I muttered to myself, after I realized. "Shit."

Then, a voice in my mind told me to look at my side. I debated between whether I should or not, because for all I know it could either be my classroom or some guys looking at my fairly big boobs. But, despite boys staring at my boobs winning the debate, I looked to my side, and guess what I saw? my goddamn classroom. that's right.I flung the door open in rage and stepped inside.
"I'm here, bitches." i said. " You also need to shorten up the school a bit. Jesus christ, I was lost right when I stepped through the door!"


sasuke's P.O.V.

The door flung open. I turned around to see a girl with eyes as green as an emerald, and hair as black as the night sky that ended just below her butt. She was wearing a simple gray v-neck shirt and black leggings. Her boobs were also pretty big
"I'm here, bitches." she said. everybody's eyes went wide when she said bitches. Seriously though. IT'S JUST A WORD. "You also need to shorten up the school a bit. Jesus christ, I got lost right when I stepped through the door!" I raised my eyebrow at this comment, our school isn't nearly as big as the one in Suna, and they don't even use half of it.
"da he-" she started to say after seeing all of our stupid expressions. I'm not sure how my face looked with my eyebrow raised, but it felt pretty stupid.
"I will allow no swearing in this class," Iruka-Sensei snapped. If only he knew how much we swore while we whisper when he's teaching. I wonder how he doesn't notice... Even Naruto can do it without getting caught. And that was saying something about Iruka- Sensei's sight nd hearing. Eh, he was old anyways...
"whateves." she put her hand up in a talk to the hand way, then flicked her wrist. Putting her hand back down to her side, she walked down the asile and to the front of the class,where she turned around and faced us.
"Well, I'm Samuel," wait.. that's a boy name. Her parents must've hated her or something. I think my parents hated Itachi, I mean who would name their child a name that means weasel if they loved them? "I know it's a boy name but whatever, and you can only call me sam with my permission. if you don't, I'll slice your throats open. Kay? Good." she said, as jaws dropped. I still don't get what people are shocked about, that threat is used everyday. Day after day...
"Uh... you can take a seat next to Sasuke," Iruka-Sensei said,pretty damn shocked and pointing to the seat next to mine. Why me?
she walked back down the aisle, but stopped mid-way this time, and took her seat next to me. I saw out of the corner of my eye her observing me. then she leaned forward. Fuck me up the ass with a window...
Samuel's P.O.V.
  Iwalked back down the aisle as the teacher gave me my seat. i stopped mid-way and sat down next to Sauce-Gay, or whoever the teacher said he was, and started observing him. I could tell he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye. That bitch. He better not've be looking at my boobs. Even though I thought that, I still leaned forward.
"Hey duckbutt," i whispered into his ear,"i like your hair." his eyes went wide as I directed my focus back to the teacher, a smirk on my face. I decided to leave him in shock for a few more minutes or so...


That was... something.

hey duckbutt, i like your hair. (sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now