chapter 11

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HAPPY!!! After i uploaded the tenth chappy of dis i got 10 fans!!! LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!! keep on reading this amazingly stupid love story! and remember to keep floating your boat!!!!!


Sam's P.O.V.

I had just realized that i was in school and everyone was looking at me. Including the teacher.

"Uhhhh.... hi?'' I said, uncertain of what else to say.

"FINALLY!" Sasuke yelled throwing his hands up in the air, his fangirls copying him.

"Umm... ok?"

"You've been staring of into space since i kissed you last night."He said, clearing my confusion.

"Did i sleep?" I asked.

"Dunno." he replied.

I just realize sasuke's fangirls looked like they were about to rip my head off with their barehands.

"Uh... did you hear that...?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," Sakura replied cracking her knuckles. Well Fuck me.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!" I yelled throwing my hands up in air and ran like hell to the door. Unfortunately for me, when i was going to run through the door i banged into it hitting my head hard. I spinned around to face the class with a goofy expression on my face.

"Fuck my life!" I shouted cheerfully before falling flat on my face.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

Sammy banged her head real hard against the door and turned around to face us. She had the stupidest expression on her face (Kind of like the epic face and troll face combined) then yelled: "Fuck my life!" She then faceplanted into the floor. Did she really hit her head that hard...?

"GET HER WHILE SHE'S OUT!" Ino yelled, then the girls pilled ontop of Samuel. I would save her, but i'm lazy.

"GET THE FLUFFEH GAWD OFF OF MEH!" Sam screamed and surprisenly threw the girls off of her.

"ROAR!!!!" she threw her head back as she yelled this, and i swear she sounded like hulk. well, female hulk.

She looked me straight in the eye and i swear her eyes were gray. No, no joke, HER EYES WERE GAY.

"Uhhh..... Sam? Your eyes are gray..." I said walking up to her.

"No, you're just colorblind." She retorted.

"No, i'm legit, your eyes are gray." I insisted. She walked to the door and motioned for me to follow. i assumed we were going to the bathroom, to see who was right and who was wrong.

Sam's P.OV.

I walked into the women's washroom. Pfft. my eyes aren't grsay. The fuck is sasuke tal-

I screamed. My eyes were gray. I bolted out the door where i met sasuke who was standing there with an eyebrow raised. Without thinking I hugged him.

"My eyes are gray," I said frantically. I slightly squeezed him and remembered that thought/daydream thing i had with that pedo snake dude that bite my neck and turned me into a vampire with blonde hair and gray eyes. i have Gray eyes. I cant believe this is happenning to me.

"Did he do this to you? Do you think he's after you know what?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure..." I replied.

"I'll protect you," He whispered as he wrapped his arms me. A small smile reached my lips and i cuddled into him.

Sasuke's P.O.V

"I'll protect you." I whispered and hugged her back. She cuddled into my chest, and i smiled sweetly.


the bell rung it's strange sound and we jumped, also letting go of each other.

"Let's go," Sam said. She literally jumped and grabbed my shoulders, and flipped over landing on my back perfectly.

"Since when could you do that?'' I asked, looking over my shoulder at her.

"Since just then," She replied.

"Shit!" I muttered, noticing the fangirls behind us. I started running, like the devil was after me. We were sam's old street when i looked over my should and saw they were right behind us. Sam did a sideways flip off my back and ended up going through a door into her old house. I watched as she appeared in the window and stuck her tongue out at me, before bursting into laughter. Ass.

I quickened my pace, and made it to the house before the fangirls. I slammed the door in their faces and quickly locked it. I walked into the living room and saw sam sitting on the couch.

"Ass." I muttered. She summoned her baseball bat.

"NO!SAM!NO! PUT THE BAT DOWN!" I yelled. She stood there for a second, before bursting into laughter. I used this moment to my advantage.

I got ontop of her and instantly pinned her down. She tried to get out of grasp, and calmed down too. I squeezed her wrists to get her to stop squirming, and it actually worked. I leaned in and started closing my eyes. My lips finally reached hers, and we had the most beautiful kiss ever. I loved every bit of it, until we had to pull back to breathe.

"I love you," I said panting, then got off her. I started walking to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey duckbutt,'' She called. "I like your hair." I smiled. She always finds a way to say it.

hey duckbutt, i like your hair. (sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now