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WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEN CHAPTERS!!!!!


sam's P.O.V.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" I yelled, trying to sound like an alarm clock. I had replaced myself with a clone so i could do this, and now my clone was in sasuke's arms and i being a very annoying alarm clock.

Sasuke slammed his hand on the nightstand and searched for his alarm clock, which was in my hand and unplugged.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" I yelled a bit louder.

"YAMI!" sasuke yelled lazily.


"WHAT?" she yelled back.



"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, making sasuke realize it was me and not his alarm clock, which was still in my hand.

"Ass." he muttered.

"What was that?" I asked darkly, and summoned my baseball bat.

"N-nothing." he stuttered, and i unsummoned my baseball bat.

"You know, i think i am PMSing..." I said and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"You're on your period?" he asked.

"Dunno." i replied.

"There's something wrong with you..." he mumbled.

"I know right?"



"Alright class!" Iruka sensei said a little too cheerfully." FINAL EXAM DAY!"

"Really?" i whispered to ducky.

"Yes." he whispered back.


I got up from my seat and walked over to the door.

"oh, by the way, samuel, what's your last name?" he asked.

i looked at him, blinked twice, and left the room to go to the room where we do the exam thing... yeah. That room.

"Alright, Samuel Treasure," The way he said my last name sorta scared me, like he held a grudge against my family. " Simply make three clones of yourself." I did as i was told, and did the clones perfectly. Knowing i passed, i grabbed a headband and headed for the door.

"Becarful out there," he said. "There's a lot more people out there looking for your treasure then you think, Samuel." I clenched my fists. the treasure isn't my power to walk through walls, it's something else that will be explained later.

"How do you know?" i asked through gritted teeth.

"I know more then you think. I even know about that necklace you were given, by your mother." he replied. "She's not your real mother you know. You know i killed your real family?''

"They are my real family," he laughed.

"No, you're memory was wipped out. They're only making you believe they're your real family."

"Your wrong..." I whispered.

" Your wrong!" I i screamed at him and ran out of room, then out of the school.

Iruka's P.O.V.

''Your wrong!" I heard Samuel scream, and then she zoomed past the class.  Knowing that something had happened, i ran to the examination room, and hoped that Mizuki didn't tell her about... well, anything besides the exam.

I made it to the exam room, and saw Mizuki sitting there with a satisfied smirk.

"Mizuki." I growled, his face showing that he told her everything.

"She was going to find out anyways, Iruka. Don't get so mad." His smirk grew wider. "Now send in the next student."

I went back to my class.i couldn't believe he had told her. What if he tells naruto about him having the kyuubi inside him? what would happen?

"Sasuke Uchiha, you're next." I said, trying to sound as if nothing had happened.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

i Left the exam room with my headband on my forehead and instantly walked home. I knew something was wrong with sam after she ran out of the academy.

I wanted to know what happened in the exam room and why she wouldn't tell the teacher her last name. Was her clan feared or something?

I started running, knowing that if i stayed at my pace i would think of more questions.

I quickly got home and flung the door open. I stood in the doorway and calmed my breathing then closed the door. I went into the living room and saw Samuel standing there. She was looking down at something in her hand. I silently walked over to her and looked over her shoulder. I saw a silver chain hanging below her hand and it was around her finger to keep it from falling and in her hand rest a silver star.

"What is that?" i asked. Sam jumped, frightened then looked at me.

"Uh..." She looked back down at her hand, and i did too. I took a step towards her and her head shot up and she closed her hand around the necklace.

"What is it?" I asked again as i put my hand on bottom of her hand, letting the chain rest in my own hand. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again and looked to the floor.

I got frustrated, and for some reason i didn't know, I put my free hand under her chin and forced her to look at me.

"Sasuke..." She whispered. I put my lips on top of hers in a kiss. She quickly caught on and kissed me back. We pulled back, out of breath.

"Now will you tell me?" I asked. She sighed.

"Yes." she replied. Finally...

"I'm from the Treasure clan," Sam said. " And in my hand, is... the treasure." Knowing what she was talking about, my eyes went wide in shock. My girlfriend is from the Treasure clan... woah. "It has a huge amount of Chakra in it, and as the teacher from the exam room said everyone's after it. My family has left me to protect it."

''Well some serious shit for a not so serious girl," I said. She laughed.

"I guess you're right, Sa- Ducky."

"HA-HA!" I yelled pointing at her. "YOU ALMOST CALLED ME SASUKE!"

"SHUT UP!" She screamed and threw a pillow from the couch at me then ran off. I followed her.

"OHMAIFLUFFEHGAWD!HELPMEH!!!!" She yelled, but it sounded like one word because she said it too fast. I laughed.

I finally caught up to her and went to tackle her, but she went through the wall. I quickly opened the door and found myself in my room. I walked in and looked around. No sam...

"HEY DUCKBUTT!" she yelled and glomped me from behind.

"I like your hair..." she whispered in my ear. I looked back at her, and i saw her smiling back at me, as if nothing had happened at the academy.


I wonder if this is a good 10th chapter... i hope it is O.o feedback would be apriciated! (Yes, i know i didn't spell that right.)

hey duckbutt, i like your hair. (sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now