Chapter 1

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Your abilities:
Release Thy Power:
By looking the person in the eye, if they look back you can nullify another person's ability.

Evil Projections:
The ability to call upon the Darkness to take out your enemies.

Dark Projections:
Using this part of your ability, you are then giving yourself over to the Darkness. This then allows you to create weapons from Light. However, once it's activated, it cannot be deactivated.
13 years ago, I took my first life. It was that of a man I was forced to kill. If I didn't? My family would have died. I had no choice but to obey them, yet every bone in my body told me not to. I had faced so much torture and murder by the age of 13 that I had no idea who I was anymore.

By the age of 17, my parents were killed in front of me. No amount of torture or pain that I suffered could stop me from killing the men who did so. Yet I somehow think it's my fault they died.

I couldn't have saved them even if I tried.

A hand on your shoulder grabbed you from your daydream. The man looked down at you. He was most likely trying to work you out. You had recently applied for, and successfully landed yourself a job as an assistant in the Armed DetectiveAgency. You didn't tell them you had any abilities. After what happened 13years ago, you chose to keep it a secret.

"Do you want to commit double suicide with me?" The man says, sitting across from you.

"Erm. No thanks? What was your name again?" You ask.

"I'm Dazai." He says, not even annoyed that you changed the conversation.

"I'm Y/N. The new assistant. Oh, I had something to ask you. A request, I guess you could call it." You say, looking at him.

"Oh? What is this 'request'?" He questions.

"If I get kidnapped, don't come looking for me." You say.

"And why's that?" He asks.

"It would be more painful if you did. Plus it would just cause you guys more issues." You say, rubbing your arms. Your fingers tracing over the scars through your top.

He didn't say anything. He just watched you rub your arm. He could tell you were hiding something. You were wearing a long sleeve shirt. Your fingers tracing everyscar. He probably had several thoughts run through his mind. You saw himlooking and eventually stopped. You didn't know what to say.

"Great. He's gonna think it's something other than scars from being tortured." You thought to yourself.

"Those scars. Where did they come from?" He asks.

"I knew it. He wants to know. I'll just lie and say I had a rough upbringing. Although technically that's not a lie." You thought to yourself.

"I had a rough upbringing." You lied, slightly.

"What do you mean?" Dazai asks.

You begin to panic slightly. You didn't want to tell him your past. Your breathing started to quicken. You knew you had to get out of that office. Even if it was the last thing you did. You started to feel light-headed. So you came up with a story that meant you could leave that conversation.

"I feel kind of light-headed. I'm gonna go on a walk." You say to Dazai.

"Ok!" He says in a cheery tone.

You left the office building and started to walk in the direction of a less populated area. You kept on walking, hoping Dazai wouldn't follow you. You wanted some alone time. You didn't want to tell Dazai that you had been tortured pretty much your whole life.

You eventually found yourself in a dark alleyway. That's when you realised you had no clue where you were. You were about to leave the alleyway, but your onlyexit was blocked by two men. One with black hair, the ends being dipped grey.The other had orange hair and was wearing a fedora. You had no escape.

"Akutagawa. Go easy on them. We need them alive." The orange haired guy said.

"I'll fight them. You stand watch." The orange haired said.

"Shouldn't I fight them? We have no idea if the rumours the boss was talking about are correct or not." Akutagawa says.

"Nah. They're probably not as strong as the boss says anyway." The orange haired said.

"Let the power of the wicked fall on death's ears." You then say, activating the darker side of your ability.

"Oh so that's how it's gonna be. Grantors of dark disgrace, you need not wake me again." The orange haired said, before activating the full extent of his ability.

The two of you fought mindlessly, being controlled by your abilities. After a while of fighting, you looked in the orange haired guys eyes and his ability was nullified. He fell to the ground and just sat there. Staring at you as you were still being controlled by your ability. Akutagawa turned around to see his executive passed out on the floor, while you still have no control of yourself.

"Rashomon!" He shouts as he activates his ability.

You begin to fight Akutagawa, still having no control over yourself. After a while of fighting and some injures later, Dazai popped out from his hiding place as the situation had gotten out of hand. He had followed you. He went over to you and grabbed your arm, causing your ability to then be nullified.

"Y-You followed me?!" You shout before dropping to your knees.

"Yes. I had a bad feeling something was going to happen." Dazai says.

"Wait. Why is Chuuya passed out on the floor?" Dazai questions.

"I. I think I nullified his ability with my own ability. I'm not sure." You say.

"You know you're a stubborn one Y/N." Dazai says before making sure Chuuya doesn't get up and start fighting again.

Agony of a lost soul - Chuuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now