Chapter 6 - turning to the other side Part 1

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You saw Akutagawa facing an alley. Most likely, he was dealing with something. You snuck up behind and waited for him to finish. As soon as he did, he turned around to see you. He looked like he was ready to fight you. You were in no mood to fight. Plus you were a little drunk. You hated fighting when you were a little drunk. You immediately tried whatever you could to convince Akutagawa that you weren't there to fight. Even if you did want to finish the fight from earlier.

"Come to finish the fight from earlier?" He asked, stepping towards you.

"No. but I'm glad I found you. I have a favour I'd like to ask of you." You respond.

"A favour? You are aware of who I work for, right?" He questions.

"Oh I'm well aware. But there's no going back for me now. I was at the Port Mafia bar, but Dazai found me. So you're basically my only hope. And the only one I could really ask for this." You say, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Fine. On one condition. We finish our fight." He responds.

"Urgh. Another day, I'm a little drunk." You pause. "I want you to take me to your boss." You say, with confidence in your voice.

"You're kidding." Chuuya chimes in, he was standing on a roof. He then jumped down to join the conversation.

"And what business do you have with our boss?" Akutagawa asks.

Chuuya sighed before adding to the conversation. "It's obvious Akutagawa. They want to join the Port Mafia. Are you sure about this? Cos there's no turning back now." Chuuya says.

"Yes." You reply, still holding confidence in your voice.

"Do the ADA or the suicidal bastard know you're doing this?" Chuuya says.

"What?! They work for the ADA?! So why did the boss let them go?" Akutagawa says, annoyed.

"Because they're strong. And he didn't want to kill someone with a strong ability. He wanted them to join the Port Mafia at some point." Chuuya answers.

"I kinda ran away from the good-for-nothing bastard. As far as I know, no-one in the ADA know where I am and only 2 members know my last whereabouts. Oh and don't worry, that good-for-nothing bastard didn't follow me here. I checked." You respond.

"Why do you want to join the Port Mafia anyway?" Akutagawa asks.

"Because. It's impossible to run from my past. I can't erase it. Or wish it away. And I never really liked working in the ADA anyway. I prefer using my ability." You respond.

"But you said you didn't want to use your ability to kill people. That's what we do in the Port Mafia." Chuuya says.

"I don't care. I can't run anymore. So I've made up my mind. Now, which is the quickest and most concealed route to your headquarters?" You say seriously.

You followed Akutagawa and Chuuya to the Port Mafia headquarters. Once you arrived, everyone seemed to be staring at you. You felt extremely uncomfortable. A couple of them looked like they wanted to attack you. Others just looked confused. You thought nothing of it and continued following them. You arrived at an elevator and all 3 of you stepping in. Akutagawa got off on a different floor, so that left you and Chuuya.

He could tell you felt uncomfortable as he kept looking at you. You just stood there. Not saying a word. Eventually, the elevator arrived on the floor that the boss' office was on. You started thinking over what you were going to say. It was too late to turn back, so you kept on going. You walked up to the tall door and Chuuya knocked, earning a "come in" in response from beyond the door.

You stepped inside and immediately noticed the little girl sat on the floor colouring with crayons. She noticed you, so you smiled at her and earned a smile back. You walked forward and stood opposite their boss. You composed yourself and encouraged your brain to show the same expression you showed when Chuuya was interrogating you. Your brain complied and the boss spoke to you.

"Ah hello. You must be the one who fought Chuuya and Akutagawa earlier on." The boss said.

"Yes. That was me. Your subordinates are quite strong." You reply, trying to compliment him.

"I would expect no less from them. So what brings you here of all places?" He questions.

"I wish to join the Port Mafia." You say, with confidence. A serious expression on your face which makes it hard for their boss to read your true emotions.

"I thought you'd come around at some point. Does your previous workplace know?" He questions.

"My previous workplace? I'm not quite sure I understand what you are getting at." You say in confusion.

"The Armed Detective Agency. Do they know you've left them to join us?" He asks.

"Like the opposite of the suicidal bastard." Chuuya mutters and earns a slight giggle from you.

"No. They aren't aware. I'm pretty sure they just think I went missing. I still have my old phone on me so if they try to call, I'll just tell them I needed some time away." You respond.

"But what if they track it to here?" Chuuya asks.

"There's no need to worry about that. You see, this phone is untraceable. I've taken this phone apart and reconstructed it to make it so. And even if they tried to trace it, it would just say I'd be all over the place." You respond.

"You really are quite the criminal." The boss responds.

"Well I've had to learn to adapt. I've done things in the past I thought I could run from. But realised that it's not that easy. So I know how to conceal things. Emotions. Traces. I know what I'm doing. That's the whole reason Chuuya couldn't get anything out of me. I know how to turn an interrogation in my favour." You respond.

"I see. I think it would be best to partner you with either Akutagawa or Chuuya. I'm thinking Akutagawa but I'd like to hear your input as well." The boss says.

"Well, from analysing the fight I had this morning, working with Chuuya would be the better output." You respond.

"Oh? And why's that?" The boss questions.

"Because. Akutagawa seems like the person who prefers working alone. And he sometimes-most of the time, disobeys orders and will act on his own. Almost like a loose cannon. His way of fighting says so. With Chuuya however, it's obvious he's had a partner in the past. One who would stop him if he went too far while in his Corrupted State. But I'm guessing the partner left. And you hate the guy. But it's clear that you can work with people." You reply. Both the boss and Chuuya looked shocked.

"You deducted that just from how we fought?!" Chuuya says, trying not to shout.

"Well yeah. I've learnt to be observant over the last 13 years of my life. It's gotten me out of some tricky situations." You say.

"How did you even deduct that though? You had no control over your ability either?!" He said.

"I actually don't know." You reply.

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