Chapter 8 - turning to the other side Part 3

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"The fight was over. And I now know your true intentions. But if you wish to leave Yokohama, I won't stop you." He said.

"I'm glad we're on the same page then." You said as you tried to stand up again but failed.

Dazai had left with Atsushi and you and Chuuya were left outside. You knew Dazai had the full picture, but he chose to believe your little fable. You hated him so. But had no choice to hope he kept your secret a secret. You tried to stand yet again, this time making it to your feet. You went to walk but fell, coughing blood as you did so. You had no idea what injuries you had received from your fight with Atsushi.

"Don't try and push yourself." Chuuya said.

"I can't just stay out here. I need to-" You said before passing out.

Chuuya let out a sigh before carrying you into your house. He eventually did so and made it to your living room. He placed you on the sofa and went to go and look for your first-aid kit. But he gave up as he couldn't find it. He sat down in a chair opposite you and waited for you to wake up. Even if it meant he would have to wait a while.

After a couple hours, you still hadn't woken and Chuuya had fallen asleep. Soon, you stirred and awoke. Staring at the executive asleep in a chair not far from you. You tried to get up, but still felt weak. You stumbled around and went to look for a blanket for him. Falling a couple times as you did so. By the fifth fall, Chuuya had also awoken.

"What are you doing walking around?" He asked, helping you back to the sofa.

"I-I was looking for a blanket. When I woke up you were asleep." You said.

"Oh." He paused as he placed you back on the sofa, you winced in pain as he did so. "Where's your first-aid kit? Although I think we may need to head to the Port Mafia for this one." He said standing up.

"It's on the fridge. And my injuries aren't that bad." You said as you looked down at the small blood stain on your white shirt.

"You know that's not true. You still haven't fully recovered from the fight this morning." He says, walking off the grab the first-aid kit.

"How'd you know? Besides, how are we even going to get back to the Port Mafia? You didn't drive here." You say as he returns.

"No. But you do." He says sitting down.

"What?Oh yeah. I forgot about my car." You say.

The executive then went through the first-aid kit and grabbed out everything he needed to treat your wounds. Once he realised how big they were, he decided to just dress them and insist you get them seen to when you arrive back at the Port Mafia. Although you were hesitant, you eventually gave in and tried to stand up. He watched your efforts and put your arm around his shoulder so he could help you out.

Before leaving, you leaned away and grabbed the car keys that were on a cabinet near the door. You were quite a way from the cabinet, so you almost fell over when you tried to grab them. Chuuya saw what you were doing and immediately moved closer to the cabinet so you could grab your keys. You both walked outside, and you handed them over to Chuuya.

"Please don't damage my car." You say as you get in.

"I'm not gonna crash it. I know what I'm doing. Just try not to get blood everywhere. This car seems expensive." He says, getting in the driver's seat.

"It is. It previously belonged to Dazai. His dad had given it to him, but he didn't seem interested. So I guess you could say I stole it from him." You say, giggling a little.

"And he still doesn't know?! He must've seen it earlier?" Chuuya questions.

"He never knew what it looked like. That bastard doesn't deserve a car like this." You say, laughing a little more.

"Wow. I mean I hate the suicidal maniac, but I've never stolen anything from him. I think it's laughable that he hasn't noticed. But then again, he totally deserves it." He says, trying to focus on the road.

The rest of the drive went by in silence. Neither of you saying a word. You just gazed out the window at the setting sun. The hues of orange and red burn the sky as the moon takes over the sky. The sky was beautiful. The city was beautiful at night. The sun soon set, and the moon then rose, turning the sky into a blueish abyss. The city seemed so vibrant at night. You never used to get lost in thought, but you enjoyed the view as you did so.

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